HumblePig 2 points ago +2 / -0

They don't capitalize Confederate, they don't capitalize white when referring to race, but they do black... Do they think the rules of grammar grant some kind of social prestige? Satan is capitalized, Nazi is capitalized, it helps us determine we're talking about a proper noun, something distinct and specific. It makes reading easier, especially for foreigners. If it's capitalized, you can suss out what kind of word it is compared to other nouns in the sentence.

HumblePig 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't forget: "I made sure to tell Discord to get rid of their chatroom because I was offended by it. Discord complied immediately."

HumblePig 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't #3 even why she largely bowed out of the public sphere? To focus on family first, as is consistent with her preached values?

(I think she offered more to the world as a pundit than as a wife and mother, but that's obviously not my or anyone else's call to make. I respect her decision and find it internally consistent with what she speaks about with regards to feminism.)

HumblePig 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cuomo's shitty enough that we could spend all our time spitting on him for shit he's actually done, we don't need to make up fake rapes for him.

HumblePig 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd never heard of the guy. Now I at least know if I ever see something that says "From the director of Jojo Rabbit....." that that shouldn't be seen as a good thing.

Jojo Rabbit is one long joke against Germans, and at least 40% of the humor comes from terrible things being said about Jews. Sounds to me like it's a case where a self-important pompous elite happened to make a good, funny film all but in spite of himself. That or he figures hypocritical speeches are what buy him the rights to continue making works filled with these things. I remember what made me decide to see it was reading an angry reviewer hissy fitting about how the film dared to make Nazis into sympathetic characters when we don't need to be humanizing what the reviewer saw as a reviving neonazi movement.

HumblePig 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah. It actually made many characters in the Nazi army sympathetic people. It's an anti-Nazi film but the main cast beside the mother and the Jew are active members of the Nazi Party who casually spew (comedically overblown) anti-Jewish rhetoric, and almost all of them also happen to have a sympathetic side where you'll care what happens to them at the end.

HumblePig 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know. Fighting means giving up a lot of creature comforts. As long as they can get a steady stream of cheap internet TV and memes and vapid empty social media interactions and validation for complaining about things, why would they actually take on personal risk to fight it?

Maybe the same could be said in the past, why did they rock the boat, but I think our insane level of comfort with minimally required talent or effort has made for a people basically okay with being second class citizens or even slaves as long as they're not driven too hard. Now you be a good code monkey, a good customer service rep, instead of working the fields.

HumblePig 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have absolutely no interest in ever playing this, but good on them for making what they want to see. I see absolutely no hate or whining that someone else is entitled to make this for them or such.

A lot of people find the standard J-Date sims cringey; LovePlus, Tokimeki, etc., so that I cringe at this just means not my cuppa.