Happily_Grim 17 points ago +17 / -0

The Government cares more about people who aren't even citizens than they do those who are citizens.
Why the hell are we paying taxes again? If I remember correctly, the whole premise of the Boston Tea Party was "No Taxation Without Representation!"

Happily_Grim 8 points ago +8 / -0

A bit off topic, but as far as I know, dead people can't donate organs.
I made a post about it a while back where I made it clear that organ donation is some seriously messed up shit. It's the reason they've created the term "brain-dead" — for organ donation.
While you're still alive they will declare you "brain-dead," and once they do they will pump you full of pain medicine (if you're braindead, why do you need it?) then they will extract your organs to essentially finish you off. People should look a bit deeper into donating organs before checking that little box that goes on their driver's license.
Here's a good link:

Happily_Grim 16 points ago +16 / -0

They very well may in the future but for now it hasn't reached that point yet. Except for that one case where a judge removed custody for a Mother not being vaccinated — which was reversed — we haven't gotten there. Although I suspect that as they continue to promulgate their dehumanization campaign to create a group of second-class citizens which can be pointed to as the "cause" of society's woes, we'll get there soon enough.
For some reason, people can't quite reconcile with the fact that it's not the people they disagree with who are taking their rights away, putting restrictions on them, making them jump through hoops, and overall enforcing authoritarian draconian measures on their lives — it's the damn government that's doing that.

Happily_Grim 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, progressive leftists — and by association liberals in general — are completely destroying the country and western civilization.
These are the same people who always asked, "How could they just go along with such atrocities?" but lack the self-awareness to realize that they're literally living the answer to their question.
Many of these same people sell out their own family for participating in "wrongthink" and then feel like they're somehow "heroic" for doing such a thing. The fact that they're the people in history who would notify the government when they suspected a neighbor of not conforming or participating in "heresy" is completely lost on them.

Happily_Grim 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is probably the single best video I've seen thus far to wake people up.


I posted it yesterday, late in the evening (for many), and it got pretty buried by new posts; however, he covers exactly what's taking place right now in a very succinct manner without coming across as anything but sincere.

I mentioned it then, but when politicians are coming out and explicitly warning people of these things then you know it's becoming a big deal and we've reached a critical juncture.
Thankfully, he had the foresight to make sure he included sources on the print version of his speech, which is available on a website he mentions.
People really aren't paying attention to what's happening around them. Their idea of being "informed" is waiting to be told what their view should be from media and mainstream culture — essentially, their consumerism habits.

Covid is being used as a tool used to crush any people who won't agree with the very clear socialist agenda being pushed.
Regardless of the consequences to our social lives, it's critical that people stop caring about the potential labels or ostracism that comes with informing others.
Make sure they have zero reason to say, "how did things come to this?" as the boot continues to be pushed down on the necks of those who don't conform.

Happily_Grim 46 points ago +46 / -0

In the article, they show absolutely zero evidence of what actual threats are being made. The entire thing is just more of the same gaslighting bullshit we've come to expect by ideological fanatics at this point.
They make a claim — in this case, "threats of violence" — present nothing at all to back up that claim, then pretend that it's representative of the entirety of all people objecting to the policies that school are creating which are undeniably having a huge impact on children around the country and all over the world.
If you have the means, then I highly suggest getting your kids out of public schools.
This isn't just about the indoctrination tactics being used or the political activism they're being inculcated with. This is also about the quality of education they're receiving, which continues to plummet in the name of "equity."
They're raising an entire generation of retards who are obsessed with race, gender, and other nonsensical bullshit, while simultaneously leaving them completely intellectually inept and incapable of forming a single individual thought.
At this point, many institutions around the world have become despotic. You either comply with what they deem is best for you, or they'll use the full institutional might of society to destroy your life, ruin your reputation with labels, and ostracize you from being able to participate any longer.
Living in a free society means being able to express yourself how you see fit. It's being allowed to voice concerns without fear of having your life ruined. We no longer live in a "free society."
Covid has been a tool used to crush any people who don't agree with the very clear socialist agenda being pushed.

Happily_Grim 16 points ago +16 / -0

This is how trannies act. They're delusional self-obsessed retards. They don't give a shit about anything or anyone but themselves. As long as they can get attention and feel victimized, they're happy.
They're a tumor on society.
Also funny that he gets his dick cut off and immediately becomes a Karen.
"I want to speak to your supervisor! Muh racism! ReeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Happily_Grim 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here you go:

It's in Hebrew, but you can always find translations. It's not particularly long and you should still be able to understand the statistics and data.
I linked a video above that helps break things down as well.

Happily_Grim 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the point I've tried making to several people but that seems to go completely over their heads for some reason.

Who is more likely to pass on a viral contagion?
Those who are within the relatively small window of the 'vaccine' still having efficacy so they don't display any symptoms?
Or, those who are 'unvaccinated' and would be much more likely to know they're ill because they are displaying symptoms?

This questions becomes much more important when people understand that the 'vaccine' has no ability to stop infection by, or the transmission of, Covid.
Cornell University has a 95% vaccination rate. As of last week(ish), they were experiencing five times the amount of Covid cases as they were around the same time last year with no vaccine.
Harvard Business School has a nearly 100% vaccination rate. They just announced that they will be shutting down all in-person classes for the entirety of first year students, and a large portion of second-year students, due to Covid infections.
People are too dumb and lazy to look into shit that they claim to be passionate about; instead, all of the idiots of the world wait to be told what to think by TV/social media/celebrities — as if that makes them "informed."
These are the same assholes who smugly tell everyone else what they should do with their lives, too.

Happily_Grim 3 points ago +3 / -0

When a politician is willing to make such a speech, you know things are reaching a critical point, especially since in order to do so he'd have to be able to back up what he says or risk ruining his career.

Happily_Grim 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure, I know who Scott is and I've seen some of his morning videos. But I haven't read his books or listened to his podcasts. I don't really listen to any podcast, though. I've always enjoyed what I've seen from him; however, he can be exceedingly obstinate in his positions at times. Which is both a good thing and a bad thing. The bad thing being it closes his mind off to information that's valuable to understanding a bigger picture and the good obviously being that he has confidence in himself — which makes it clear that his path to learning is one of self-discovery.
Although I have been very interested in reading his books I haven't gotten around to them yet. They're on my list of things to read. I just haven't gotten around to them.
Thanks for the link!

Happily_Grim 16 points ago +16 / -0

It's almost chilling to hear everything you know to be true being platformed by politicians. Politicians aren't going to waste their time on "conspiracy theories" and risk losing everything they've ever worked for. He, much like all of us, knows that everything he says can be validated and demonstrated absolutely true. That all the information presented is unequivocal fact — even if there is speculation on the future plan. You 8really* don't have to be some super genius to see how this is all being leveraged to form a single socialist globalist "utopia."

As he puts it: a single omnipotent state. That state will own everything. You will own nothing — and you'll be happy!


From what I've read, this man is being destroyed in the mainstream media and by fellow politicians. They're labeling him a "far-right extremist" and the usual shit.
Yet, labels is all the have. I didn't hear a single thing that was dishonest or misleading in his entire speech. They can't argue the merits of what he's saying, so they smear him. But he's absolutely right: Covid is being used as the boot to totally crush us after people rose up against their woke bullshit beginning in 2016. If that was the extent of the "fight" we had in us, then we truly are completely screwed.
Fair warning to all: if people don't start really speaking up and sharing information with those they know, whether those people want to hear it or not, the world is going to head toward a very dark place. I'm convinced that we no longer have the luxury to worry about others mocking or ostracizing us; the alternative is so much worse.

You can also almost guarantee that you will submit, never have any sort of meaningful life again, or die. Even if you somehow drag your ass through it all, you're no longer living past 65. You serve zero purpose in their totalitarian world at that age. You're only a burden on resources and the economy. You will work until retirement age and then you will be disposed of in one way or another. When people in Governments are calling this out and it falls on deaf ears, you know shit is getting really bad.
Everyone always wanted to live in a "dystopian future," right? Well, it's here.

Happily_Grim 1 point ago +1 / -0

For some reason, it's been pulled. Even trying to Direct Download it doesn't work.
Still, I do feel it's important to at the very least plant that seed of doubt in someone's mind.
The odds of actually changing how someone views the world are close to nonexistent; however, in my experience, if you can make it so they think they changed their minds on their own, then you'll have much more success. You just need to plant seeds.
Obviously, the more frequently you can do so the better the chances for success are. The concept that people truly can be their own "journalist" in 2021 is something that seems to be almost like an epiphany for some. Of course there's always those who simply prefer to be told their view or to find the path of least resistance. I don't think there's much that can be done there without working with them more.

Happily_Grim 2 points ago +2 / -0

Man, I love old cartoons. I could watch that shit all day...
Oh well, I figured posting it here I'd be able to find out more. Seems it worked out well in the end.

Happily_Grim 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yup. It's precisely why they're spending so much time dehumanizing and villainizing the unvaccinated. They want to create a narrative that society must force them to be vaccinated by any means necessary for their own protection. We can likely expect things to get much more authoritarian as people begin to drop.
The dumb sheep will never once stop to ask themselves why their "vaccine" isn't working and will instead point to the people they've been conditioned to hate as the problem.
What's taking place right now is pretty similar to exactly why we've never had a coronavirus vaccine in the past. All previous attempts to create one have failed miserably.
Then, in their infinite wisdom, they decided to create a coronavirus vaccine using an experimental mRNA treatment method, which has likewise never been successful.
But we should totally trust them.

Happily_Grim 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ahhh, bummer. No matter how much I searched for it after stumbling upon it, I couldn't find any information. That's good to know. Thanks!

Happily_Grim 14 points ago +14 / -0

I want to make sure that everyone knows why this is very bad when they hear the typical progressive asshole's argument of: "Yeah, it may cause myocarditis, but almost everyone recovers just fine, so it's not a big deal! It's still much better than dying from Covid!" — which so many seem to be screeching.
Yes, they're right. The overwhelming majority of people who get the jab that end up with myocarditis will end up being just fine. The problem doesn't lie in the myocarditis itself but rather the consequences of myocarditis.
As many undoubtedly know, myocarditis causes inflammation of the heart. The problem is that when it does so it also causes physical damage to the heart itself. The human heart is one of the few organs within the human body that does not heal itself very well at all. Even if these people do recover — as the majority of them will — they will have permanent damage in the form of scarring on their heart. As of right now, we have no clue what the long-term implications of this will mean; however, one thing we do know for certain is that it will not be good.
There's a very real potential that this is shaving decades off people's lives, or could even leave them particularly vulnerable to heart problems later in life.

As it stands now, according to to a recent study coming out of Israel, the data showed that there's been a 25% increase in Cardiac arrests and Heart attacks in people ages 16-29.
It also showed an 83.6% increase in Heart attacks for Women 20-29.
The study indicated that this increase was correlated with large-scale vaccination. If that's just preliminary data, then what will a much broader study show — especially if men are being affected at significantly higher rates?
Makes me think of all the Doctors and Nurses who have gone "whistleblower" — such as those from the Covid Vaccine Exposed series by Project Veritas — who have been calling out the heart problems that so many vaccine recipients have been exhibiting.
In that Veritas video alone, the Doctor that the nurse was speaking to about a patient was mentioning heart issues as if it were basically common and predictable at that point — and that was just one place.
We don't even need to get into how there's potential that this vaccine may leave people completely immunocompromised in the future either.

There's so many red flags popping up that it's crazy. It's pretty amazing to me that more people don't see it.
But I guess when you're looking at the world through rosed color glasses, any red flags appearing around you don't stand out at all.

Happily_Grim 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, it might sound pretty manipulative of me, but I've found that the best approach to getting people to open up is to find something relatable, something that isn't out of place for anyone to say and that's a pretty bland statement. After that, you then follow it up with an additional comment that people are somewhat divided upon that's not too inflammatory, but you do it in a way that makes you seem almost naive or uninformed on the topic.
It's all to gauge their reaction and response. After they take the bait, you know everything you need and can proceed with a conversation or let it drop from there.
In my case, he seemed like a nice enough guy, so I used it to further probe. The most important thing in conversations like that is making concessions. People love to be told their right — even when they're wrong. But you can almost always find something in what they say that may hold some truth. You use that to feed their ego that way it doesn't end up in an argument, but rather, slowly making them consider what you're right about. People are pretty social creatures who want to find common ground. If done properly, you can find out a lot about people.
But that's just my experience. Maybe others have different methods that work just as well.

Happily_Grim 7 points ago +7 / -0

Oh we're going to go much further than that, in my opinion.
Eventually, they're going to be able to track every single person's entire daily life. They'll monitor what you eat, how much "carbon" you consumer, where you go, who you talk with, what your views are and if they're "acceptable," what you say — you name it. That's the path that they're taking us down.
To get us there, they'll use "public safety" or "securing our democracy" as justification. Much like what we're seeing now, they'll slowly inculcate people to believe they want these things by their own choice and not because they're being forced to comply.
The vaccine is a perfect example. Technically, they're not forcing anyone to get the vaccine — yet. It's a person's choice whether they participate or not.
Of course, what they won't mention is the coercion and how they're ostracizing those who won't comply with their demands.
There's a lovely quote by a Frenchman named "Jacque Attali" that describes what's happening presently with amazing accuracy. Of course, when this circulated the "fact-checkers" all began screaming "debooooooonked!" because the person who quoted it attributed to the wrong source. So they use that to say, "He never mentioned anything about that in his book! It's a complete fabrication!"
Right.... Even though it's been around for many years, and each time Jacques was approached about it, he claims it's a "mistranslation" — but c'mon now. That's ridiculous. As usual, these people try to cover their tracks and use authoritarian-style "fact-checkers" to make people believe reality never happened.
Anyway, here it is.
He also wrote a book in which he talks about how we should purge people from society and other suchj socialist/communist shit. These people are insane. He's not even the only one to say such things either.

Tell me this sort of thing doesn't sound awfully familiar?

Jacques Attali in 1981, who was then an advisor to president François Mitterrand:

"The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups;

Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps.

We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good.
Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically.

Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates.

Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself."

[The future of life - Jacques Attali, 1981] Interviews with Michel Salomon, Les Visages de l’avenir collection, éditions Seghers.

Happily_Grim 10 points ago +10 / -0

One more reason not to participate in their bullshit.
Here's the simple fact: we don't know what all of this is heading towards and what they're planning.
Is there a risk of getting Covid? Sure it is. That risk certainly exists. I don't think that are that many who would disagree. Should you be concerned about dying? What the hell do you think? The risk of that happening is abysmally low. If it does happen, I don't think I'm the only one who thinks, "Well, it was my time then."
We can't control everything in life and as adults we should know that. If you're going to base your entire life around living in fear of the potential for risk of something, you're going to be in for a rough life, that's for damn sure.

All of that said, as much as they're making it a huge inconvenience, they best way to keep yourself safe in multiple ways appears to be simply not playing their stupid game at all.
Hell, if one of you had a big ass farm somewhere in middle-America with a huge amount of land and were looking stay secluded and mind your business through all of this, I'd be right there to join your ass if I could. Get back to basics of self-sustainability and tell the rest of the world to screw off.
The best the rest of us can do for now, however, is to be as prepared for anything as we can be. Even if it's never needed, it'll never hurt.

Happily_Grim 18 points ago +18 / -0

As opposed to what exactly? Their method?
"I trusted the TV!"
Yeah! What an awesome method of being "informed." You might as well slap a sticker on your forehead that says, "I'm a mindless retard."
In fact, that this is even becoming a meme really illustrates how — as they always do — they're just thoughtless parrots repeating the same shit they hear others say. They lack the ability to form a single individual thought. Their entire lives revolve around repeating group-think and acting like that makes them somehow right.
Their main concern is fitting in socially by matching common consensus. Their thought process is likely, "Well, if so many people are thinking this way, then it must be the right thing to think!"
Three cheers for consumer logic!
Imagine bragging about being a herd following retard. They act as if there aren't countless Doctors, Scientists, and other Medical Professionals out there who completely disagree with the current narrative being promulgated — to the point they're losing their careers for it.
Which choice, exactly, demonstrates more conviction in a person's beliefs?

  • Following the mainstream narrative and not asking any questions that rock the boat or disrupt the comfort of your life. Just nodding along and benefiting in numerous ways by being a good little conformist who does what he's asked.
  • Standing by your principles and speaking out. By doing so you have the entire institutional might of a nation's government, media, pharmaceutical companies, and corporate bureaucrats, levied against you in an attempt to invalidate your concerns, discredit anything you present, shatter your reputation, destroy your future prospects or at least make them much more bleak, and flat-out ruin your life.

Only one group of people here is willing to risk their entire life's work for the things they're trying to warn others about. Is there absolutely anyone on the other side who is taking any risk whatsoever by holding the position that they're holding?
We're not talking about one or two people here either but hundreds of thousands — if not millions if you include everyone else altogether.

How many times has it been now that the media and these consumer idiots have made declarations and have been proven completely wrong later?
Do they ever acknowledge their error? That their opposition was right? That all of the bullshit labels and finger-pointing they participated in should have been directed at themselves for being such droolers?
These people are so staggeringly retarded that they never actually learn from shit, do they?
How about all those Doctors, Nurses, and Scientists losing their jobs at this very moment because they don't want to take the stupid vaccine? Are they dumb, too?
How about the number one most vaccine hesitant group, PhD's, Are they likewise big ol' idiots?
Yeah, go ahead and act like educating yourself is somehow a bad thing. The only thing that demonstrates is that the shit people say about how intellectually lazy and braincucked these people are is 100% true.
It's a bit crazy to think that people celebrate helmet-wearing retards acting smug for being totally ignorant and too lazy to read.
Guess what?
I'm not a chef either, but I know when food is burnt.
I'm not a mechanic, but I know when my car doesn't work.
I'm not a construction worker, but I know when roads need repairs.
I'm not a psychologist, but I know when someone is crazy.
I'm not a politician, but I know when they're screwing shit up.
I'm not a teacher, but I know when they're failing at their job.

It goes on forever.
We now live in an age where humanity has access to more information than at any point in human history. If you're sufficiently motivated, you can learn anything.
Absolutely anything.
For these brain-dead morons to think that, somehow, intelligence is tied to a piece of paper that demonstrates the ability to use the most basic of human abilities, rote memorization, shows how their intelligence truly scrapes the bottom of the barrel.
As I mentioned before, the fact that they lack the self-awareness to even realize they're literally advertising their own ignorance should make it explicitly clear how stupid they truly are. It takes a truly special type of retard to do that.
Oh well. They better pray that, somehow, scientists figured out a way to overcome what they failed to accomplish in over half a century of failures when making coronavirus vaccines.
Not that I care if they didn't and this is just the prelude to another failure on a much larger scale.

Happily_Grim 30 points ago +30 / -0

The same company the advertises about people being censored on the internet pulled their ads from Andy Ngo all because some proven Antifa extremist was salty and cried to them that he's a big bad mean man.
Despite thousands of people stating otherwise, they made no additional statement or clarification and instead just went silent about the topic altogether.
This is the same VPN company that advertises through many free speech advocate's platforms, too.
It's for the best if people who use their service disconnect from them entirely.

Happily_Grim 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, he's always been a laborer and we never really touched upon an area of his own expertise; however, while I assume he'll very likely begin questioning things a little bit more now, I don't expect he'll actually remember everything we spoke about — either that or he'll use some type of sophistry to convince himself for why it's all not true. He was really flabbergasted at the things I was showing him. It's not that easy to break years of conditioning that people have come to accept as normal, especially when it's one of the pillars of who they are. I believe that's one of the reasons he sat there after we arrived asking me so many questions, going from one topic to the next, each one getting shot down.

If you're curious how it all began, then it's easy to describe. I needed a shuttle ride home because my car had a couple recalls I needed taken care of and the dealership had a free service, so I took it.
When I got in the car, I began making small talk and I mentioned that I'm tired of all the Covid shit and that the world is panicking because it's been blown out of proportion by media fearmongering. I began the conversation that way because it's a good way to get people to open up about their beliefs without explicitly asking them.
When i said that, he immediately said, "Yeah, they've been putting a lot of focus on it but at least they're not spreading misinformation like Fox News, which has been causing it to spread more."
That's all it took for me to know everything I needed to about where he sits, both socially and politically.
I immediately clarified that I meant all of the media and that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, PBS, etc., were just as egregious in their misinformation than anyone else — if not vastly more so. I said that nearly every single headline story promulgated by media the last five or six years.
From there it all flowed pretty naturally. When he asked for an example I began with the riots they hid, along with the "murders" committed by police and then worked through the list of everything else.

Happily_Grim 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's exactly what I said more-or-less.

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