HIGH_ENERGY_MEMES 12 points ago +12 / -0

It ddid matter when they went to court over this only to find out they are paid more than the mens team.

It also matters cause it made them look like the victim complex loving people they are.

This is also why the team sux. The team mentality is going to be about why the others had an advantage than playing your heart out.

HIGH_ENERGY_MEMES 14 points ago +14 / -0

Also for detail he was a comedian on stage doing a joke.

In a video clip of his 1998 act, Kobayashi was seen joking about a game he called “let’s play massacre the Jews”, prompting laughter in the audience.

HIGH_ENERGY_MEMES 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fuck tucker. Remember when he claimed to be receiving Biden documents but lost them in the mail as though someone would send something that important without backup/copy. And when he did apparently get them, crickets.

Remember when he tried to divert the voter fraud and support the Fox narrative.

He's making headlines to manipulate people and jump back on the bandwagon.

HIGH_ENERGY_MEMES 9 points ago +9 / -0

Same reason I dont like land taxes at a residential/rural level. If someone wants to buy some land and live their own life they should be able to.

If one day so many people want to remove themselves from society that this becomes a problem, you need to look at the society, not take their land.

HIGH_ENERGY_MEMES 17 points ago +17 / -0

Patrisse will be happy, this has got to be worth at least a couple more properties.

HIGH_ENERGY_MEMES 7 points ago +7 / -0

Harris simply would not have been Biden's running mate with less than 2% support in the primaries.

This never made sense. They are placing someone in poll position to run next election that no-one even on their side likes.