Frankie_Houmous 12 points ago +12 / -0


It's ok for Mad Maxine to peddle hate and promote violence.

Yet when you take her statement, her own words, to retweet substituting "Trump" for "Cuomo" or "Biden" and it's all of a sudden "hate speech"?

Pure, unadulterated, double standards and out and out hypocrisy.

The left make me sick.

Frankie_Houmous 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought to be a Nazi, you needed to be a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party?(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.)

A membership that was only issued between the formation of the NSDAP on 24 February 1920 and it's dissolution on 10 October 1945!

Do these people not understand the meaning behind the terms they use?

Frankie_Houmous 15 points ago +15 / -0

Half a dozen 9mm rounds are cheaper than locking these pieces of trash in the big house and feeding them.

Anyone convinced of rape, murder, child abuse/child rape or anyone that is a habitual/career criminal should just be put up against the wall and a new asshole popped into their forehead.

Sorry if that's extreme, but why do we allow those people to live?

Frankie_Houmous 15 points ago +15 / -0

Yes, this.

Especially when Twitter started complaining about Uganda shutting down social media in the lead up to the Ugandan elections.

Oh, this is an assault on free speech. But we've permabanned trump because reasons.

In the words of Bobby Boucher's mother, "Social Media is the devil"

Frankie_Houmous 28 points ago +28 / -0

Why are joggers so over represented in media when they account for 13% of the population?

Frankie_Houmous 20 points ago +20 / -0

Brilliant, another area set to be ruined by sub Saharan doctors and engineers that have less education than a 3 year old.

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