That would be my understanding.
The word 'authorization' is from the 1.0 (a) version, and meant to grandfather in other OGL versions. Wizards is trying to use that as a 'kill switch' on it. You might argue that they can revoke the 1.0 (a). That would only mean that no new 5E OGL instances would be valid, because WotC is no longer on board. Wizards is announcing that it wants out, but I don't see any mechanism for 'deauthorization' at all in the OGL 1.0.
I think future development of 5E material becomes a grey zone and this casts a shadow over continued publishing of existing products for people who sign on to OGL 1.1. You might be signing onto wizard's version as part and parcel of what you sign-- so be damn sure that you're not signing away your 1.0/1.0 a rights when you bargain with WotC.
Everyone else can not sign and tell WotC to pound sand.
Yep. The argument would be that no OGL versions are authorized anymore. (Except the poison pill 1.1 version.) Backed by Hasbro's lawyers.
I want to see them lose the court battle to put the genie back into the bottle.
It will be a thing of legend.
Of note in the leaked language for OGL 1.1:
WotC is trying to claim the right to royalty free republishing rights of all material developed using the license.
the OGL no longer covers multi-media, it's only for publishing books and pdfs; the whole of critical role would not be covered by the new OGL, while it is under the old one.
Under the new OGL, WotC plans on claiming 25% of all crowdfunding over 750,000 dollars, save that on kickstarter-- which will only be required to pay 20%.
WotC reserves the rights to cancel the agreement at anytime, for any or no reason. And since there's a section on bigotry? This enshrines your cancelation, bigot!
Arch is covering it, but I first heard about it here.
Archived article by Gizmodo on the OGL 1.1 leaks.
WotC is looking to argue that this is the only active OGL; that the OGL 1.0 and OGL 1.0(a), will retroactively no longer be 'authorized'. The argument is based on the language in 1.0(a) citing other 'authorization,' meaning that provided by the 1.0; the legal construction of withdrawing authorization is suspect. But do you really want to go to court and fight Hasbro's lawyers?
Begun, the D&D bootleg era has.
Tate? The 2 minutes hate guy?
He's some sort of sleazy PUA/Red Pill type, who's getting slapped around because he stood up to the usual globohomo sycophants.
Only interesting thing about it is how he's supposed to be alt right-- and because he's getting nailed over some camwhore business associations, the whole right is confused as to why a degenerate represents them in leftist's delusions.
Queer isn't just a political statement, it's an Intersectional Maoist initiation. Being 'Queer' to avoid the mob is basically demonic initiation, where you sacrifice your 'normal' to not be targeted. Thus, it's simultaneously social contagion and Maoist 'abuse in the name of re-education.' It's a gateway to moral inversion and the process of being brainwashed into a useful idiot.
Much of what's wrong in society would be solved if the healthy fear of a physical response returned. There's no countervailing fear of retaliation running your mouth these days. The hyenas nip more and more at the lion, sure he won't respond.
The point of the euphemism treadmill is to keep opponents of the left fumbling over language rather than opposing more actively. It's meant to use control of language as an epistemological screen. This has the same endgame as Orwell's Newspeak: to prevent the Cathedral's opponents from even having the words to name its doctrines to oppose its priests.
I have to agree with your commentary about calling the present phenomenon Cultural-Marxism being a mistake. That's the root of the present bloom of leftism, not the stalk, nor the fruit. Marxists and their ilk are dishonest, so they will point to any categorical error (like this) as a reason to dismiss the critique associated with it.
The application of Marxist thought (and Maoist praxis) to identity in the form of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality represents the ideological tools the Cultural Marxists' heirs have proposed. Neo-Marxism is probably the right umbrella term to talk about the ideology of these Cultural Revolutionaries who besiege the West at present.
Retrenching the dollar is impossible without the US government regaining control over the power of the mint-- something that's impossible. The 'federal' reserve isn't Federal, and has no reserves.
Yes. A gold/silver standard would stem the fiat currency inflation problem; it would also make the status quo fractional reserve banking impossible. Therefore, it will never happen.
I expect a push to Digital Central Bank Currencies tied to social credit systems; a boot stamping the face of the poor, forever.
But also consider at some point a technology will be more efficient than oil
It's already come and been abandoned: Nuclear fission.
I see the elites opting to build solar & wind infrastructure to monopolize after oil peaks. They'd rather rule over the ruins than lose control of the future.
I'd propose using nuclear as the spearhead of a transition to a hydrolysis/liquid hydrogen infrastructure, which could bridge into superconductors and a supergrid. I imagine liquid hydrogen pipelines cooling superconductors being a prerequisite for some future fusion technology becoming feasible as a primary energy source for the planet.
That kind of planning requires planning 7 generations ahead and our 'elites' are more concerned with lining their pockets and visiting Little St. James-style hedonistic theme-parks.
If goddamn fantasy casting didn't look like a safari into deepest London, then I also might be more annoyed by what you're talking about. As it stands, 'sounding like a narration of a colonial safari' strikes me as an oddly appropriate tone for a fantasy post-mortem.
Fair point, though.
English is Arch's second language and that shows in his presentation.
I don't know if there is a solution. The overvaluing of the dollar is due to external structural factors, like US military power and petroleum being traded in dollars. As those factors are removed, what's to keep a fiat currency afloat?
From the article:
Now, the end of the petrodollar system has been a long time coming, of course. It’s been a major goal of America’s strategic competitors for years. In 2017, China and Russia created the petroyuan so that its partners could trade for oil without using dollars. However, the petroyuan did not unseat the petrodollar in the six intervening years. 80% of oil transactions remained in USD. Why?
*Saudi Arabia, the linchpin of the petrodollar system, continued to insist on using dollars in its transactions.
*The Chinese continued to be reliant on trade with the US to fuel their economy, and thus could not risk destroying the system that made the US dollar valuable.
*The US has a proven track record of using military force to support the petrodollar, and with Donald Trump in charge — known to Chinese citizens as “Emperor Trump” for his vigorous policies — the Chinese were reluctant to “fuck around and find out.”
Now those conditions have changed.
One of the main things holding the dollar in place as a reserve currency (which is the main reason a national currency as debt-ridden as the US Dollar has value) is that oil has been largely traded in dollars to this point.
As that changes, the worth of the dollar ceases to be artificially propped up.
I expect the bottom to fall out of the US economy as the petrodollar fails. What we've seen so far (lockdowns, bailouts, and all) is NOTHING compared to what's to come.
I have to agree with Vox Day's take.
Elon is a member of the elite. We need the elites at each other's throats or they will, united, put the boot on our throats-- one by one, until we are collectively silenced.
It's not that Elon is on 'our side,' it's that he is opposed to Globo-Homo that matters.
Have a OGL FAQ from 2004
Taste the irony!