CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +1 / -0

There seems to be some fundamental issues with your argument.

  • Nothing about socialism is incompatible with nationalism so linking nationalism with socialism is logically congruent.

  • You state "nationalism is independent of socialism" and you are 100% correct that they are independent. You can be nationalist and socialist or not nationalist and socialist. The National Socialists were Nationalist and Socialist.

  • Now you presume the National Socialists were only Nationalist so they can gain power. This would imply that once they had power, they would stop being Nationalist. Do you have any examples of the National Socialists not being Nationalist? Or are you speculating that they lost the war too early but if they remained in power, they would have dropped Nationalism? That's possible but nearly all countries in modernity have dropped Nationalism, including the USA. NOTE: National Socialists were Racial Nationalists not Civic Nationalists and most countries in modernity if they have any nationalism left tend to be civic nationalists which is arguably not even nationalism at all.

  • I would argue the current USA has less nationalism than the National Socialists had.

  • Your definition of leftist ideology is merely socialism but there's a lot of elements regarding leftist ideology. Leftism is not so easily defined. There's a reason why a lot of leftists absolutely hate National Socialism and see it as their antithesis because the elements of leftism they hold dear are things the National Socialists did not agree with. I am not trying to link leftism to nationalism. I am merely pointing out Nationalism where Nationalism exists and you are trying to suggest there cannot be Nationalism despite there being evidence of Nationalism simply because Socialism also exists despite the fact you agreed socialism and nationalism are independent so Nationalism can in fact exist where Socialism exists.

  • I am not simping for socialism at all. As I keep linking to in my quote, I am saying the aspects of socialism were the weakest aspects of National Socialism. I am literally doing the opposite of simping for socialism.

  • Of course the National Socialists did nothing unique. There is nothing new under the sun.

  • Everyone here is pretty right-wing. I am so right-wing, leftists disintegrate when they hear me speak about politics. My point was simply that being nationalist is good and promoting your own race in your own country is good. That is why National Socialism lives on even today in places like Iran because many people who care about their race and about their nation which they view as being made up of a group of people of a specific race will be accused of being National Socialists because of the similarities with National Socialism. Many embrace the label themselves in protest because of how offensive National Socialism is to many people. They see it as a rebellion to accept the label. The label seems to have mystical properties over you as well because you're incredibly worked up over the label. That's why it's an effective label for some rebels anyhow. Regardless of the label you must agree that race matters and nationalism is good. Even if you disagree with the former, you probably agree with the latter. It's very hard to be right-wing and not nationalist.

CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you agree with me?

the socialism in Germany - which is what they should have discarded after ww2, but instead they discarded nationalism

So, the nationalist qualities of National Socialism were good but the socialist qualities were bad? That's what I said in my original post.

At its core everyone should be National Socialist to some degree. The socialist tenants and big government can be argued but the reality of race and nationalist economic policies can't be denied unless they're being denied by bad actors.

CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +1 / -0

You seem pretty closed off to any discussion on the matter but in case you are open to it, here would be the points of contention:

  1. The National Socialist government ironically had less control over the economy than modern Western governments do today. Remember, there's War Economy and Non-War Economy. War economies are always more centrally planned and the American Economy during WWII was highly: Planned Central Government Control of Economy. I'm not suggesting the National Socialists didn't control the economy because they did but it wasn't extreme like the USSR. I'm also not suggesting it was good in the manner they did control things either because many of the socialist policies like deferring funds from single people to married couples to buy houses is not a good thing. However that policy is right out of the playbook in the USA where there's subsidies to married couples, Hungary and Poland also have similar policies. All Western governments today control the economy more than the National Socialists did.

  2. Purges and war. Keep in mind the USA has engaged in significantly more wars than the National Socialists did and is responsible for far more "purges" than the National Socialists were. Of course, the National Socialists lost before their empire started so over the long-term, it's entirely 100% speculation.

  3. It's quite arguable who instigated WWII. Did Russia or Ukraine start the Ukraine war? Putin claims it was the West and the West claims it was Putin. I tend to side with Putin and believe the West instigated it and the West instigated it much in the same manner as how the West instigated Hitler into war. If you want the full details though of why Hitler had to go to war, the short answer is that Hitler wanted to industrialize Germany which required excess food supply from rural people to support city people. Germany did not have enough food to support their growing city population because the West stopped trading with Germany because Germany stopped paying the reparations and interest on their debt which was arguably not something that was fair for them to be paying in the first place. So it really depends where you stand here. if the West traded food to Germany to sustain their industrial development, then Hitler wouldn't have felt forced into going to war to claim more agriculture land to boost his food supply for his industrialization. The Soviets had a similar issue but the Soviet solution was to kill all the rural Christians instead then steal their food. Less mouths to feed and free food.

  4. Lastly, the only reason Hitler left ruin in his wake is because the West attacked him and caused ruin. The real villains of WWII are the Soviets, Britain and the Americans. France also but they were worthless anyhow. The allies are the bad guy not the good guys. Today you live under the Authoritarian Leftist Dictatorship of the West.

CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +1 / -0

God doesn't require you to follow a book to follow God. This should have been obvious given the fact that Jesus's entire purpose was to free men from the rule lawyering jews. Then for some people men decide to follow the words on a piece of paper and shackle themselves to words yet again.

Your take is accurate. However, too many people cling to religion as a savior when it's a fools errand. That's why to me, religion is fluid. Be a Muslim, be a Christian, be whatever. God doesn't care. But if changing religions can be used as a tool to attack the enemy, which for westerners is their government and NPCs, then why not try it.

CommieDefenseForce 10 points ago +11 / -1

I don't know if this already got memory holed but Elon was already close to getting shutdown by Western Elites already:

Elon Musk visits Israel to meet top leaders as accusations of antisemitism on X grow


What happened was Musk allowed free speech on X and removed the policy surrounding antisemitism. All of Musk's advertising companies pulled funding and then Musk tried suing the sellers of X for misrepresentation over "income" given that advertisers had pulled the funding. Then Musk was summoned by jewish people to discuss the X situation. This is when pictures of Musk with Ben Shapiro circulated and Musk visited the jewish internment camps. After Musk came back from his trip, Musk silently reverted back the old policy surrounding speech, he teamed up with a jewish company to gather people's data when they paid for X and then advertisers resumed giving Musk money and the issues with X potentially going bankrupt due to pulled funding due to antisemitism died down.

I have this to say on the matter. If the jews have already given X and Musk their blessing, the EU has no chance in stopping Musk.

CommieDefenseForce 2 points ago +3 / -1

What about National Socialism in which they were race first, socialist and nationalist is propaganda vs. ideology? I mean, that seems pretty solidly what they were...

CommieDefenseForce 10 points ago +10 / -0

I know, that's why I even added in a comment for you specifically because I hate socialism too so I know the feeling:

At its core everyone should be National Socialist to some degree. The socialist tenants and big government can be argued but the reality of race and nationalist economic policies can't be denied unless they're being denied by bad actors.

CommieDefenseForce 10 points ago +10 / -0

Isn't National Socialism at its core basically just genetics matter, a nation should congregate people of similar genetics, government should provide social services to people and profits from the labor of people living in the country should go toward the benefit of the country rather than just individuals and especially just individuals who use their profits to benefits communities outside of the nation's community?

At its core everyone should be National Socialist to some degree. The socialist tenants and big government can be argued but the reality of race and nationalist economic policies can't be denied unless they're being denied by bad actors.

The only people who should outright oppose National Socialism in all regards are international capitalists who don't share genetics with the people laboring away in a country to the benefit of the capitalist. Basically, the true colonials of modern times are the only people who should oppose National Socialism in all regards because National Socialism does indeed provide a counter to neo-colonial imperialism in its modern form aka globalism and neoliberalism.

It would actually make sense to me that a lot of National Socialists within a country like Iran would exist. There may in fact be a divide among racially Iranian people and non-Iranian Muslims. The Iranian government likely wants immigrants of any race as long as they are Muslim but this could be a huge problem to racially Iranians. Many racially Iranian National Socialists might not necessarily be Muslim either because they wouldn't see religion as the solidifying piece for their nations but rather genetics.

It makes sense to me that this stuff exists but leftists can't really write about it very well due to a lack of understanding.

CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perhaps, but it would be worth seeing exactly what they do. It's not like they aren't already jailing Whites so there's nothing to lose. Just makes it more confusing for the actors involved imo.

CommieDefenseForce 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why should I care what happens inside India? I guess I'm supposed to be like we shouldn't import in Indians or we should colonize India or something?

CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I do feel that's the way it's going but at the speed it'll go, it won't cause enough of a problem to destabilize and change in a positive manner, imo. I'm always about the encouraging it on.

It would be great if a large group of domestic White people started promoting ideas like UK was always a Islamic country. Christians are imperialists who colonized the domestic Britons whose Pagan religion was actually a sect of Islam and that embracing Islam is going back to the real ancestral religion of the UK. We wuz the real Muslims! Really embolden and empower the Muslims in the UK. But don't do more than that. Just go full Islam but let the non-White Muslims be the ones to push for more. Poke the bear. Turn the golem on its master.

CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I agree the conversion has to be done properly. Your last piece is precisely what I'm trying to get at though. Chip away at Western tolerance by encouraging stricter Islamic practices within Western countries. Put the government and Islam at odds instead of WNs and Islam at odds.

CommieDefenseForce 0 points ago +2 / -2

The Palestine vs. Israel conflict is manufactured by jews in order to justify giving Israel more money and sending Muslims to European countries. You'd actually be better off if Israel was simply given the whole area and there was no longer any conflict.

The conflict I'm talking about is the one in Europe. Again, a manufactured conflict between Muslims and Whites in order to distract from the true enemy and the true enemy will continue to benefit from this manufactured conflict.

CommieDefenseForce 2 points ago +2 / -0

In any case, the current strategy WNs are employing is failing abysmally. Fighting Islam while not fighting Globohomo is a recipe for disaster. That's precisely why Globohomo brought in the Muslims, as a distraction, and it's working perfectly. It's a trap WNs are falling right for. I'm trying to suggest using the Muslims against globohomo.

I understand your perspective but you won't win trying to fight Muslims instead of your government.

CommieDefenseForce 2 points ago +2 / -0

We're already at peak race mixing and accepting of immigrants. And you know what religions are most accepting of immigrants? It's not Islam. It's Christianity/Jews

CommieDefenseForce -3 points ago +4 / -7

Race is more important than religion. One day people will learn that. A country of White people who are Islamic is better than a country of Africans who are Christian.

CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think the West would be immune but one thing is certain. Fighting Muslims so the government can pick you off one by one and throw you in jail is a losing strategy.

CommieDefenseForce 2 points ago +3 / -1

Right, so we're in agreement that strategies involving voting don't work. You will never win by voting, period. Ever.

CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +3 / -2

The idea is to accelerate such that average White people can't deny things.

White Nationalists have more in common with Islam than they do Globohomo. So the idea is get WNs to force Islam into a war with Globohomo instead of Globohomo getting Islam to fight the WNs.

CommieDefenseForce 0 points ago +1 / -1

But that's why UK Whites shouldn't be the ones at the forefront of the change. Let the non-Whites push it. The Whites should just tell them they agree with them pushing it. That's kind of the point. Completely dissolve any conflict between White Christians and non-White Muslims because all the White Christians become Islam. Now the only Christians left are the NPCs not the WNs. Then encourage the non-White Muslims to essentially start going after the White Christian NPCs. The WNs don't care cause they're now Islamic. I swear it would screw the government over in the confusion lol.

CommieDefenseForce 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, but do you know why he split? The reason he split is because TheDonald got listed by the FBI as a source of violence promotion on January 6th and then after that there was a "difference of opinion" on the future of the community.

So although we have no confirmation, I think it's clear the FBI said you do this or else and "this" was follow these new rules, give our men these powers and hand over everyone's information. Want to know something really odd about the whole thing too? One of the mods sticked a topic on TheDonald saying if ever you are logged out for any reason and then you're forced to retype in your username/password, you should be careful because that's usually a sign of bad actors taking over a website. Then shortly after that topic, that's exactly what happened. Everyone got logged out and forced to resign in. Way too big of a coincidence to be meaningless.

If you haven't noticed, almost every community on here isn't allowed to have serious discussions about anything at a deep level unless it's trivial. Get into the meat and potatoes of why the world is the way it is and how to solve things and you will get banned on any community here. You can't even post on ConPro, which people think is the "free speech" platform, unless you're bashing jews. You start trying to criticize some of their dogma as being a little over-the-top and they'll ban you over there too.

Every community has developed a strict code of what is and isn't allowed to be discussed and if you deviate from it you get banned. This sort of containment of ideas prevents any real discussions from taking place to actually help people shape ideas and beliefs beyond what they already know. Every community is an echo chamber now. That seems by design to me because the original TheDonald was not like that at all. Anything went on the original. Then Jan 6th happens and every community is barely better than reddit. In fact, I've had more discussion on reddit lately than the .win communities. Banned less too.

Here's a fun topic about things 3+ years ago.


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