But these are wypepo and you black... you can't enjoy that!
"That’s no moon… it’s a space station."
The world can be confusing, I agree, which is why I printed out the global map, after tagging every area on it with what it's name is in the wiki.
If you like to play thoroughly, and not just the main questline, and add in the extra content from the DLC it is easily double that, maybe more.
I play on Normal, and there were a few encounters that were quite difficult, but it is not brutal on that difficulty at least.
They are working on a standalone expansion, so I don't think they will work on the first one too much.
I have not encountered any bugs at all, so I would say you can start playing it, if you feel like.
Thank you for sharing! You broke out, that's quite the achievement.
If you don't mind sharing more on what it was exactly that triggered your change, I would love to read it.
Any love for the old Fallouts? If yes, give this one a shot.
It has been updated just this November, so it is still active after like eight years or so.
If you have it anyway, and have any love for the old Fallouts you owe it to yourself to give it a shot.
Massive amounts of content, even without the DLC, which is a good buy too.
By the way, I am enjoying the game a lot. Has some similarities to the original two Fallouts.
Edit: If you succeed with the Persuasion check he has an NPC bluescreen, unable to answer, but gathers up his "comrades" (they are actually referred to as such in the text), and they leave without saying anything.
Why the boycott?
That's a shitty move.
Thank you for your opinion.
That is a point both their dad and I have been making repeatedly over the years, but FOMO is strong with kids, especially girls.
The gore part is the one that makes me want to recommend against it, for a few more years at least.
Agreed, but it is difficult to pull off as they are kids, and girls too, so they want to conform in everything.
They do not have phones or a computer in their room. The only PC they have any access to is in front of everyone, and they don't get to do whatever they want on it either.
Thanks, sounds less and less like something any kid should be subjected to.
That has been a talking point of their dad, who is pretty based, but frankly, with what I see of them it might be impossible with girls in general.
That is one of the reasons why I have asked, hoping that some people here have watched it, and can give an opinion it. I would rather not watch it myself.
Thanks, some of the stuff in it is too early, I would say.
Thanks, some of the stuff in it is too early, I would say.
I am also having a blast with retro shooters, and not getting bored with it one bit. Cultic is one of those that I am looking forward to playing.
The ones that I have gotten around to play and liked a lot were DUSK and Project Warlock.
The ones that I have not played yet, but have wishlisted are: the two new Postal games, AMID EVIL, Nightmare Reaper, Ion Fury, Chasm: The Rift, and the likes.
According to Steam Replay, I have spent the most amount of time this year in AC Odyssey, which reinforced to me that these games are just too long. The more it went on and on, the less I wanted to keep playing it. Still went for 100%, because I am retarded.
Close second to it was Frostpunk, which I would nominate for GOTY for me. It reignited the "plan shit out on paper" lunacy for me, something that I have not done in at least a decade, if not more. There simply wasn't a game that made me do it, besides Frostpunk. It shows how much I enjoyed it that I immediately wishlisted the sequel.
My graph in Steam Replay shows that the types of game I have played the most are City Builder, Horror, Open World Survival Craft (probably because of The Forest, which I have also liked a lot), Programming, Vampire, and Puzzle Platformer.
"Will send electricity for nudes."