I'm white, but I have black slave ancestors.
They don't give a damn about that, just what you look like now.
It's times like these that I'm reminded that before totalitarian reform sweeps in and bans degeneracy, it's utilized as a tool to destabilize and fragment a nation.
Too smart.... heh.... that's a good one... whew....
The generation that escaped totalitarian collectivism? Yeah, I'd buy that.
Their children? Sure, for the most part; some of them are stirring the cyanide sugar into the Flavor Aid, but... yeah.
Their children? Nah. Third generation Americans, regardless of race, have gone full native, and that means full naive.
It's the pull of society writ large: don't think, don't train your body or mind, just consume, be outraged at what we tell you to, pay your ever-increasing taxes, accept that we'll continue to whittle away at your rights, and expect to be gradually supplanted with an even more compliant class of welfare drones willing to accept lesser standards of living.
Honestly, there's only weathering the encroaching storm, and the best way to do that is to build up a good base via your local communities, and building a strong anti-establishment political foundation at the local level.
It was local mandates that stole the White House from Trump; it will be local mandates that stop the Biden/Harris admin in its tracks.
"Blunt announced earlier this month he would not seek reelection."
Kinda hard to primary a man who's not planning on re-running.
Probably going full scorched earth since he's aiming to get a cushy post politics job at the behest of the cool kids.
Plus, that's an incorrect-ass statement.
The US' win to loss ratio on conflicts is weighted very heavily towards the W's.
The current "War on Terror", if they're even calling it that any longer, is a deliberately ceaseless quagmire that exists only to fill the coffers of those in the Military-Industrial Complex and their adjacent beneficiaries.
Victory was never an intended outcome.
Afghanistan kills empires. The moment we got embroiled in that goatrope of a region, we were screwed.
I hope China fucks around over there soon enough; it'd be funny.
I'm a fairly frequent poster on here; that's a guarantee I know how fucked we all are.
However, I posted this for any of the holdouts who still think there's any major institution that hasn't been co-opted by our ideological opponents.
I had confidence in this. Had.
The Marxists have done an excellent job of instilling their poisonous ideology within our military, indoctrinating the willing, and alienating the brave.
There was a time where the ideological split within the various branches averaged out to somewhere around 70/30, right/left.
Doubtful that will be the standard going forward; doubtful that will be allowed, going forward.
There is "hope" in the veterans meeting the call to arms should the military turn on the citizenry.
Regardless, I know see a greater likelihood of roaming death squads of Lefty uniforms 'oppressing the "oppressors"'.
Subject or guerilla, those are your choices.
So, a regression into the EU, rather than being the model for it?
Well, we'd still presumably be working from a common language and a historically shared over-culture; provided the Southwest doesn't become overrun by the Aztlan-cultists, it is pretty much an ideal situation. Plus, it would readily break up the political power the coasts hold over "flyover" country.
Honestly, it's more so luck than it was political maneuvering that the US maintained itself as a single country in a landmass this large with so many countries' fingers in the pie.
It's from a woman; of course it is.
Add "inherent emotional instability" as another reason why women shouldn't be allowed in the military.
There's no securing this country in its entirety.
It's only currently "secure" by the virtue of roughly two centuries of gradual expansion and a singular vision under a largely unified interplay of local, state-level, and national-level government.
And the quotations around "secure" are well do: we have no-go zones in this country, and enclaves where English isn't even spoken and US law barely applies.
Not to mention the painfully clear separation of political ideologies segmenting the population.
Yeah, the US isn't long for this world, at least in its current state. My best hope is that the land and its denizens prove too insurmountable for any would-be conquerors to try and take it after the fact.
Looks like state-level militias are back in play, boys!
Does "Big Naturals" make anyone else giggle like a schoolgirl?
No? Just me?
Me, alone? Of course not.
Us? Those who defy them? Yes.
If anything, we will find out soon enough if there are any still deserving of the title "Patriot".
It's because of the insidiousness of what that Rainbow truly represents.
Notice how every color doesn't blend, but instead stays inside its own perfect little curved row? Separate but equal. Barriers to divide the masses...
It's the perfect symbol of Marxist diversionary tactics, sold as a symbol of equality and love to the smoothbrains.
You'd hope that you'd put the fear in the enforcers enough that they wouldn't bother. However, their own pride and their own anger at being bested, humiliated, struck out against can lead to aggravated retaliation. Tit for tat, until either one side gives or both are bloodied beyond recovery.
However, spooking the enforcers isn't a complete impossibility. Effective local organization plus the realization that an assault isn't worth the cost can lead to a favorable outcome for the defenders.
There are effective no-go zones in every Western country, enclaves of the ungovernable, for whom authority doesn't dare tread, except in the most egregious of scenarios. They're always united by a sense of community, and a sense that the greater authority doesn't apply to them.
We very well may be finding more people adhering to that philosophy as it becomes ever clearer how self-serving our representative class has become among the populace.
The only people who deserve civilization are those who fight for it.
If every generation had their trial to earn their place among stability, we wouldn't have nearly as many issues as we do.
Entitlement is the sweetest poison anyone can offer.
Probably the same thing that stops so many of us.
Not that we're afraid to lose everything to try and stop this.
But that no one else will join us if we do.
That very quote is kinda what solidified my thought process, and frankly the Soviets didn't even have it as good as we have now to at least explain part of their inaction.
After all, history doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme, and what's one of the most common rhymes of impending totalitarianism?
'The people should have done something when the movement was nothing, but now that it's something they won't. They'll continue to do nothing when that movement now something, is stamping down hard on their throat.'
Probably should have offered them a safe haven via the form of a .win community. Indeed, I wouldn't be shocked if one pops up sooner or later.
Regardless, this is a 'movement' I don't want to see fade. It's one of the first major and more importantly effective utilizations of Alinsky's Rules against the Left that neutral-to-right leaning people have readily taken to, and there's never going to be a point where the Left's lunacy will allow them to just ignore it; its mere existence is a constant assault against everything they push for. As such, it will cause massive backlash as they fight tooth and nail to try and fail to neutralize it.
RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”
I want to see SuperStraight support chapters pop up in towns and cities, SupesrStraight Pride Parades, SuperStraight rallies...
I'm not gonna hate you because you think it could be a fine setting.
It's just woke as hell, is all.
Well, the Chinese do have aspirations to be modern-day colonizers.
Too bad for them everyone's on a relatively-similar technological level now.
They are cleaning house, Soviet-style.
Any perceived threat to the powers that be within their internal structure is now going to be purged.