ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm so glad the people working to curb illegal immigration came up with this tactic.

we have strict laws about illegal immigration here, but if you really don't want to go back, we'll send you to the place that openly advertises that you are welcome there

a significant portion of the left suddenly became anti illegal immigration for a solid few years because of this. however, their masters are now ramping up the propaganda that it's good, and so they've forgotten

ApparentlyImAHeretic 4 points ago +4 / -0

as my friend lay dying of COVID on a ventilator

hate to break it to you, the ventilator is what killed him

ApparentlyImAHeretic 24 points ago +24 / -0

weapon of mass destruction

fucking what? the ATF is happy to jail you and shoot your dog if your AR's barrel is 10" long, how the fuck was this person roaming free after being caught with what was presumably a bomb!?

ApparentlyImAHeretic 25 points ago +25 / -0

Left: literally burned down buildings and apartment complexes, tons of Acts of random violence which are covered as "mostly peaceful", multiple "lone wolf" assassination attempts of politicians and political candidates, defends sexualizing children

Right: broke a few windows at the capitol once, says mean things on Twitter

it's tough to understand how any rational person could possibly think the left is the party of "saving democracy". they are demonstrably the party of violence and intimidation.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

just when I think Canada has gone full Weimar, they remind me how much further Weimar they can still go.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

there will always be the hardliners, but I'm just talking about the normal people going about their business. the people who don't pay attention, or don't like to talk about it.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 0 points ago +2 / -2

who says I want the world to die? I'm just calling it as it is.

internet points are barely real, you have to connect with actual people in the real world.

ApparentlyImAHeretic -1 points ago +1 / -2

dead internet theory is real. I would be amazed if even half of those views are real.

ApparentlyImAHeretic -1 points ago +1 / -2

100% yes. there are a lot of people who are tuned out, and if all they hear are the occasional lie over the radio from kamala, they won't have any reason to vote for Trump. they might even be scared into voting against him.

he needs to be playing counter ads so that the normies at least realize that not everything they hear on the radio is correct.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 0 points ago +3 / -3

Twitter mostly reaches the terminally online. Granted, that is a lot of people, but I still maintain most people don't live on the internet. it's important for him to make his voice heard outside of social media.

EDIT: most people don't live on the internet, and most people don't live watching television. the radio is an immutable voice that plays while they're doing their daily routines such as grocery shopping.

ApparentlyImAHeretic -2 points ago +1 / -3

this is a battleground state, when he should absolutely be campaigning.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

thank you kindly, though it is OP who should be archiving it.

shared script

it's almost as if there was a giant movement in the gaming circle that uncovered this shit.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 14 points ago +14 / -0

there's a ton of red pills like this from the debate. the gas light has never been more obvious, this is a prime opportunity to red pill normies on the media.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 8 points ago +8 / -0

being able to read basic signs in the local language should be a requirement for visiting, let alone "immigrating"

ApparentlyImAHeretic 7 points ago +7 / -0

not to mention peer-to-peer matchmade games eventually die. no more. cease to be.

community servers allow a game to still be played, even when the company decides to stop supporting it. if I wanted, I could get a bunch of friends together and get a quake III arena game going right now.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

for sure, they've never been tolerant as long as they've existed, but the word "tolerance" was a core part of their messaging throughout the 10s. I've just noticed they've abandoned it entirely.

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