AlfredicEnglishRules 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have non lefty friends as well.

AlfredicEnglishRules 5 points ago +5 / -0

I must be tired. I realized Mr Darcy goes through the heroes journey to win the main character. She doesn't go through it except to realize he has won her over

AlfredicEnglishRules 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's only dated women. Sure one of his best friends was Freddy Mercury, but that was just a friendship.

AlfredicEnglishRules 7 points ago +7 / -0

It didn't help that classic GI Joe with the same size was rereleased at around the same time.

AlfredicEnglishRules 4 points ago +4 / -0

Apparently there was a military Barbie collection in 1990.

AlfredicEnglishRules 19 points ago +19 / -0

I demand barbie shooting range and military service play sets. Also, she needs a tank

by Lethn
AlfredicEnglishRules 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want Castlevania 64 with a good camera. I want another Goemon game.

I would love Access and Analyze as videogame.

by Lethn
AlfredicEnglishRules 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look up Raw Thrills. It makes tons of arcade racers. Some of them have made it to consoles.

by Lethn
AlfredicEnglishRules 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love crackdown.

AlfredicEnglishRules 7 points ago +7 / -0

The problem with Disney is they choose by committee. There are people who think 🤔 f every detail for a shopping center and then have an ordinary cafeteria to get the food. It is a weird experience.

AlfredicEnglishRules 3 points ago +3 / -0

Creepy pasta had some great stuff a few years ago. I especially liked the one about the haunted base in California.

AlfredicEnglishRules 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which is why you make sure the problem isn't there anymore if you break tradition.

AlfredicEnglishRules 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's an interesting question, and I have seen it from a different point of view. God has created all and knows all, why would he give us anything? Can we abuse God by misusing what he gives us or harming his creations? He has all of the power and by all rights could just wipe us out, but doesn't.

When dealing with someone who owns everything, and nothing is given unless he allows it, how is anyone alive outside of his will? He chooses who survives because any misuse of his possessions can be ended by force. The King's Forest point of view compared to the poacher poor man's point of view.

So, if there are people who live outside of his powers, and can not be touched unless he intervenes by force, he does not own everything. The people can make their own, and thus whatever the man believes he has power over is only as strong as his actual ability to enforce that law. In East Germany, people would smuggle clothes, books, and movies under enormous pressure to not do so. How? Because ownership couldn't be enforced as much as it was purported. To own land, you need enforcers, and to keep them loyal, you need rewards. Even if a small amount is corrupt and willing to trade land, food, and other bits, it will be enough to create a counter. So, they can't actually own the land in the way that they proclaim.

However, they need to at least make the appearance that they have all the power and control because the majority of the people will realize there is no ownership and rebel. The entire ownership rests on the idea that the people accept the falsehood of ownership. If you can't actually enforce something, the next best trick is to make it look like you do and that you punish rebels harshly.

This is why so many rulers declare themselves something akin to God himself. They want the idea that anyone rebelling is going against an all knowing and powerful deity, and not some guy who owns a piece of paper and a few guards to enforce that paper.

I don't think anyone can fully enforce their own power without the use of others, and I doubt they will be perfect in their enforcement. Therefore, all empires fall, even if they have a big surveillance program and extra rules.

Oddly enough, God, who really is all knowing and powerful did the opposite. He created rules, and then suffered his own punishments so we can workout our own salvation. That is so very different from a dictator it is shocking.

AlfredicEnglishRules 6 points ago +6 / -0

I can concur. I have friends who work at Libraries and they all seem to have the same lefty point of view. They only read the accepted books as well.

This is sort of weird because the older librarians are nothing like this, and love to talk about books.

AlfredicEnglishRules 4 points ago +4 / -0

With all of the video and 3D being created I wouldn't be surprised if it happens quickly. This is especially hard to control because AI doesn't actually know what it is creating. I have seen topless stuff on MidJourney because of Hallucination from the prompt. How do you even deal with that?

AlfredicEnglishRules 8 points ago +8 / -0

This was tried sort of in the 70's and backfired.

What's really interesting is that it feels like all of the politics from the 70s that were stopped are being renewed today.

AlfredicEnglishRules 7 points ago +7 / -0

He's always been lefty. His Mom beat it into his head that the only answer was lefty politics, and he never really questioned it. I enjoy his writing, but its obvious when he wrote something because it fits the lefty political views of the time.

AlfredicEnglishRules 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've got a +5 -4 score so far.

AlfredicEnglishRules 6 points ago +6 / -0

It was awesome. I told some Yo Mama jokes the other day, and then we scored it like the show.

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