The policy changes haven't happened, so its all been reactive measures. But there have been numerous decisions regarding late voting, acceptable mail ins way past the date, and other nonsense.
Also, it was Michigan it happened (its hard to keep track of all the news these days) where 114k voters cast nearly 300k votes until someone called it out and then it was dismissed as a "glitch, error, and nothing to ever concern yourself with" as they got purged.
That's just a single area. There have been constant efforts across all the battleground states. Some victorious, some not so. But there is a consistent attempt.
These stats come up a lot, but I feel like its also deceptive framing.
While these women are "out earning" these men, its often only on paper. Between the shit tons of costs it took to get that job (both college and cost of living in the city) and the unstable nature of it (meaning they are very unlikely to have it long term), they are still in a far worse off state than most men.
This isn't to give them any sympathy, as thots deserve none. Just to keep it on the level that getting a cushy office job in LA after 4-8 years of building loans usually doesn't pan out to a real career. And since they are women they don't long term plan for that ending and will have little left of it by age 30 anyway.
Basically, bitches be stupid and their money is soon parted from them while giving them no gains.
Its funny how the only time you hear about people changing their last names, its either First Generation Immigrants trying to acclimate or Jews, seemingly to try and hide being Jewish because they do it in Hollywood the most Jew friendly circle out there.
Makes it even more funny how they tried to attack Trump's ancestors for doing it, even though that was barely a change and mostly just made it easier to say for a foreign tongue.
Not only wanted him out of his studio, wanted him to travel for hard time limit One Hour show with her. I wouldn't even doubt they wanted it on his dime too.
That's a blatant disrespect move from someone who thinks themselves well above you and are doing you a favor by allowing you. Rather than a mutual benefit like Trump/Vance did for him.
At this point, most campaigns are just convincing their own bases to get out and go vote, whether than rest on their laurels and assume victory (like Hillary) or not just give up entirely in despair (like Harris).
The pomp and pretend is just tradition and to act like we don't live in a completely divided Nation and that there are people who are "reasonable and thinking it over."
I wouldn't call it purely a visual novel at that point
But by most metrics it would get sorted into being called one. Reaching a certain level of quality doesn't change a game's genre. Because that's a quality difference, not a deliberate one in most cases. Good ones are interactable, while bad ones are novels with pictures.
I'd rather we sort through the slop and see the best rise to the top
I wasn't saying otherwise. Only that the pile is literally so flooded with slop that it taints the perspective most people have of what it can be, and makes people usually unwilling to even delve into it to find that best stuff. Like most people only think of dating sims and other hentai games when VNs come up, rather than Clannad or Higurashi.
Heck Zoe Quinn's game that started all of this was a basic bitch VN, that's how low effort most of them are and the poor reception they have once the mainstream sees them.
continuing to do nothing
Its like you skipped the entire first half of what I said. People are doing something. I think it was Minnesota that their efforts got something like 160k fraudulent votes thrown out a week ago.
Again, if you want to say its too late or not enough, I'll agree with you. But to say nothing is happening is pure blindness.
Bravin Bad Brew hasn't left my mind in nearly 20 years despite the anime its from being literal garbage that I hate watched after I realized how bad it was going to be.
It also reminds me of a simpler time when forgettable seasonal slop wasn't just "Isekai #29" or "Moeblob #14". Like its a garbage series, but it was at least trying something. Including being a "series long love triangle" show, but with a guy and a girl and neither being false shiptease leads.
As well as Higurashi OP 1 and Naraku no Hana from the second season. Both are complete opposite of each other, as one is pure horror building and the other is pure despair and hope cycling.
But they both work so well for the series, as you show up for the cute girls doing slasher villain shit in S1 and then by S2 you are just as wanting the cycle to end as Rika does and the OP reflects that change.
Its a series that I hold close to my heart because of how many friends I watched it with hyping up each episode as they came, and because of how terrible its legacy has become because of the endless OVA seasons and becoming so "mainstream."
I remember one of my aunts forbidden my cousins from watching Cow and Chicken because they said the word "stupid" in it.
Though in retrospect that's like not even top 20 of the wierd degenerate shit in that show, so maybe she was right.
There's no unique experience or random chance based on your interaction
Normally not, but I have played some that in fact do have such. From things that have pretty complex detail differences depending on earlier choices to having different random events on different playthroughs.
The problem there is that the barrier for creation is so low that the specific market is flooded with low effort slop meant for coomers to a point where its impossible to even find the quality.
If you've been paying attention there have been lawsuits upon lawsuits, Supreme Court decisions and aggressive pushes to get Right wing pollwatchers in all over the country. They've been uncovering small time things daily and in a lot of cases stopping them.
You can say its not enough or even that its far too late, but to say nothing at all is just demoralization nonsense. Its clear that a lot of people and a lot of factions have become far more aware of the issue after last time and are attempting to stem it.
They are, and that is exactly what is happening.
You can go in the logs and see giant Kamala dumps happen semi-regularly that are very clearly not-organic. Like 5 figures suddenly surrounded by a mountain of 100$ trump bets.
It's a problem of "desconstructing" something in an attempt to define it in simple terms, which end up being entirely alien to the original intent
That's inevitable when things go from "a bunch of dudes from various backgrounds come together to create a passion project" to a literal industry with college classes, billion dollar corporations with management giving powerpoint slides, and an entire legion of "game dev" video series on Youtube.
Things that everyone just understood now need a name so they can be compartmentalized and taught separate from the whole so they people who lack the extreme passion and talent of the old masters can still understand and create from it by eventually assembling those pieces.
Its not necessarily a good thing, but that's just a problem with our education system in general. Like, for those of us who were just capable of math from the outset the systems upon systems that teachers use to teach people who cannot do math the ability to do basic shit look completely alien and retarded. But its probably the only way they can grasp it, regardless of how slower and soulless it is.
The worst part about that specific feeling is how impossible it is to share with anyone.
Like, I have an extreme nostalgic love of the AMV Hell* series. I remember seeing 3 and thinking this movie length thing was the peak of humor. And then 4 dropped it felt so clean. Like the quality was so much higher and it was using new anime instead of the more historical and nostalgic ones of the prior entries. Seeing Death Note in it, a recent series, was mind blowing.
AMV Hell 4 was 17 years ago. It can almost vote. The "brand new" series in it are as old now as those ancient 80s anime from 3 were at the time.
But back to my point. Its completely impossible to get the humor of this dumb little series across to people. AMVs as a whole were a 00s phenomenon that nobody really cares about anymore, nor does seeing a shit ton of anime you've never heard of have the same gravitas. AMV Hell specifically is packed full of humor and references to the very specific time period of both American culture and American weeb culture that half the humor will miss and would require hours to explain.
So not only does it make you feel old, you can't even share it with anyone but other old people. Seriously, trying showing a YoutubePoop to anyone who wasn't there and watch the confusion.
*Everyone in my social circle can attest to the very inappropriate level of excitement I had when 8 was announced after a near fucking decade. The release of 8, after seeing 8.5 that just came out, will help me through this election nonsense.
It has. One of the best benefits of things like religion historically is helping contain the worst traits of humanity or at least help channel them into positive results, such as letting a narcissist get accolades for helping the power even if he only did it to get praised.
I don't think some of the old masters of game design were thinking about "gameplay loops" in the past
Them not using the specific term for it doesn't mean it wasn't part of their development process.
Mario 64 had a gameplay loop of "enter painting level, get star, get kicked out of level, repeat until unlocking next area." The loop was clearly noted because its one of the major changes Odyssey would do away with later after many iterations of playing with it. Heck, handhelds as an entire system were built with something resembling a "gameplay loop" in mind because most of them were designed to be played in short chunks instead of longer sit down sessions.
A gameplay loop is just the most distilled down bones of what the game wants you to do with the mechanics it presents you.
The modern issue is that the "loop" is now designed less in the interest of fun or soul, and more to create addiction via skinner boxes and other nonsense. Cart before the horse design, which is why it has such a negative connotation. An AI can create a loop the same as anyone, but because its designing it in that cart before horse manner it'll usually be quite shitty.
Before social media, people actually had to do good to become recognised in their community.
Nah, every community had at least one person whose entire persona was being seen as the most moral and given the most attention but they were never doing it for anything but vanity.
HOAs existing is a testament to that fact, but every church in America has that one middle aged woman whose entire life is being a busybody and getting asspats for "doing the right thing" as she gives nothing of value beyond causing drama.
Social media has made it more widespread because its easier to do now, but its a common human failing and has been so for as long as we have been able to think.
We are watching that happen in real time. Those doctors tied plenty of tubes for years before the chickens came home to roost and the lawsuits began.
The puberty blocker lawsuits are already starting, but the tide hasn't fully shifted against them to make it a mass issue. But doctors are already starting to reject being involved in that process (you can see it all over the tranny forums that its getting worse).
Its the same with lobotomies, it was perfectly fine for a long time to do to people, until the day it wasn't. And that day really only came because doctors got sued and attacked into stopping being evil.
This might be the best example in an election of one of the Left/Right divides.
Trump is out there showing up in working class jobs and inviting on random people to talk with him and endorse him like local sports teams and victims of crime to talk about his plans to help them.
Harris is showing up with no actual policies other than buzzwords and inviting the richest of the rich celebrities to endorse her because she is a "good person."
Literally millionaires versus the peasants.
I can't say if people will be or not. But its clear that a lot of people still remember 2020 in vivid detail and aren't willing to just let it slide on the honor system. Even Trump himself is constantly calling it out as it happens in each county by name.
I don't know if it'll be enough to truly stop the steal but it is something that is pushing back and keeping them on their toes about being as blatant.