From a Christian perspective I’m all for showing love and compassion to everyone. We shouldn’t be rolling out the red carpet for those who want to destroy a functioning society or work to undermine it.
I know I can be “pollyannish” and I would love for everyone to be able to link arms and sing about peace and brotherhood but unfortunately that won’t happen on Earth. I do try to treat everyone as Jesus would want me to, but when people show hatred to your way of life you can’t allow them inside the gates.
Auron MacIntyre did a whole podcast the other day on the Conservatives v Leftist heatmap meme where the left loves space rocks more than their next of kin.
MacIntyre's point was that from a Christian perspective, a wider compassion for others is still valid, but also must be prioritized so that charity starts at home.
He also emphasized the slacktivism phenomenon where prioritizing abstract external things earns leftist virtuous rewards but requires little personal investment or sacrifice.
Prioritizing those around us first comes with more costs, because those individuals have flaws like everyone does that we must experience. They also demand other precious resources like our time rather than just the collectivized common tax dollars.
I recently subscribed to his podcast but have only listened to one episode so far.
What you are saying reminds me of those on the left who say “I want every child to be educated so I support public schooling” or “nobody should go hungry”. That or complaining about the wealthy. Like you said there is plenty you can do in your own community to help feed the hungry or tutoring kids or anything. I like that my church really gets involved in our local area.
He hosts some guests that are otherwise fringe for Con Inc.
He is also outspoken at times talking about blackpilled stuff beyond simply the Democrat v. Republican divide and will criticize Trump when it's valid.
The other segment was reviewing that Sam Seder v. Sarak Stock debate clip about xenophobia and American identity that was going viral recently.
MacIntyre did a great job taking Seder apart re: the "America has no culture" and the melting pot myth. But at the same time as he repeatedly called Seder a dishonest subversive who mischaracterizes the Founding Fathers and Christian principles, he didn't once mention Seder's Jewish roots. Nor the Jewish roots of the melting pot.
So again, MacIntyre will only go so far, likely because of his association with The Blaze and Glenn Beck.
I don't need commentators to sperg about the Jews constantly. But if you won't even acknowledge the demographics of your enemies, it's a problem.
I think we’re reaching a point where our progress has a hard ceiling defined by our willingness to publicly “notice”. Hiding your power level is a great way to prevent overwhelming opposition from completely destroying you, but then you end up arguing entirely by proxy. And proxy arguments eventually run up against insurmountable walls that prevent you from directly and explicitly addressing your true interests.
Now the philosemites will accuse the preceding paragraph of being coded anti-Jewishness, but it really isn’t. My position isn’t white supremacy - it’s white dignity. I think white peoples should have homelands and cultures that are actively preserved and defended. This is the same respect I extend to every other nation and culture, assuming that they do not infringe upon such rights for my tribe.
The question you need ask yourself is: why does advocating for these rights for white peoples always result in accusations of antisemitism? Why does standing up for the basic dignity of your people necessarily require you to oppose the interests of the Jewish demographic?
Put another way: why are your only choices the extinction of your people/culture/nation or antisemitism? What does that tell you?
I've checked him out. What a great new podcast to add to my line up. Listened to one today with semiogogue, who alluded to working with or knowing Apostolic Majesty whose content I absolutely love too.
It's also more true to effectiveness. It's easy to claim you're more loving if you love more things a little, and make impassioned pleas for their betterment.
It's much harder to claim you love your bother who you have to deal with, who slurps his soup and makes crude jokes. Ugh.
"He who claims to love God and hates his brother is a liar"
from a Christian perspective, you're supposed to love your neighbor. how that turned into loving the guy from across the globe, and hating your actual neighbor who votes wrong, i have no idea.
Winston, we know that you really crave a cute little cabin without a telescreen, away from the watchful eye of Big Brother. You crave the company of an empathic, approachable lady who knows you and loves you anyway.
You just want to be left alone to think your own thoughts and to find out what you could be if the Useful Idiots were not always trying to trip you up so they could literally have you tortured to death as an unbeliever.
It is okay to want modest things. You are allowed to find a moment of stillness and be happy.
Universal Love and World peace are fine in concept, but they are too big for you and me. I can't even get my room tidy enough.
From a Christian perspective I’m all for showing love and compassion to everyone. We shouldn’t be rolling out the red carpet for those who want to destroy a functioning society or work to undermine it.
I know I can be “pollyannish” and I would love for everyone to be able to link arms and sing about peace and brotherhood but unfortunately that won’t happen on Earth. I do try to treat everyone as Jesus would want me to, but when people show hatred to your way of life you can’t allow them inside the gates.
Auron MacIntyre did a whole podcast the other day on the Conservatives v Leftist heatmap meme where the left loves space rocks more than their next of kin.
MacIntyre's point was that from a Christian perspective, a wider compassion for others is still valid, but also must be prioritized so that charity starts at home.
He also emphasized the slacktivism phenomenon where prioritizing abstract external things earns leftist virtuous rewards but requires little personal investment or sacrifice.
Prioritizing those around us first comes with more costs, because those individuals have flaws like everyone does that we must experience. They also demand other precious resources like our time rather than just the collectivized common tax dollars.
I recently subscribed to his podcast but have only listened to one episode so far.
What you are saying reminds me of those on the left who say “I want every child to be educated so I support public schooling” or “nobody should go hungry”. That or complaining about the wealthy. Like you said there is plenty you can do in your own community to help feed the hungry or tutoring kids or anything. I like that my church really gets involved in our local area.
MacIntyre is alright. I listen from time to time.
He hosts some guests that are otherwise fringe for Con Inc.
He is also outspoken at times talking about blackpilled stuff beyond simply the Democrat v. Republican divide and will criticize Trump when it's valid.
He's still somewhat of a limited hangout though.
I think the Space Rock episode was from yesterday. I listened to the whole thing last night when I was killing myself shoveling snow.
The other segment was reviewing that Sam Seder v. Sarak Stock debate clip about xenophobia and American identity that was going viral recently.
MacIntyre did a great job taking Seder apart re: the "America has no culture" and the melting pot myth. But at the same time as he repeatedly called Seder a dishonest subversive who mischaracterizes the Founding Fathers and Christian principles, he didn't once mention Seder's Jewish roots. Nor the Jewish roots of the melting pot.
So again, MacIntyre will only go so far, likely because of his association with The Blaze and Glenn Beck.
I don't need commentators to sperg about the Jews constantly. But if you won't even acknowledge the demographics of your enemies, it's a problem.
I think we’re reaching a point where our progress has a hard ceiling defined by our willingness to publicly “notice”. Hiding your power level is a great way to prevent overwhelming opposition from completely destroying you, but then you end up arguing entirely by proxy. And proxy arguments eventually run up against insurmountable walls that prevent you from directly and explicitly addressing your true interests.
Now the philosemites will accuse the preceding paragraph of being coded anti-Jewishness, but it really isn’t. My position isn’t white supremacy - it’s white dignity. I think white peoples should have homelands and cultures that are actively preserved and defended. This is the same respect I extend to every other nation and culture, assuming that they do not infringe upon such rights for my tribe.
The question you need ask yourself is: why does advocating for these rights for white peoples always result in accusations of antisemitism? Why does standing up for the basic dignity of your people necessarily require you to oppose the interests of the Jewish demographic?
Put another way: why are your only choices the extinction of your people/culture/nation or antisemitism? What does that tell you?
Hmm never heard of this guy, will check out.
I've checked him out. What a great new podcast to add to my line up. Listened to one today with semiogogue, who alluded to working with or knowing Apostolic Majesty whose content I absolutely love too.
Anything else you think I should be aware of?
It's also more true to effectiveness. It's easy to claim you're more loving if you love more things a little, and make impassioned pleas for their betterment.
It's much harder to claim you love your bother who you have to deal with, who slurps his soup and makes crude jokes. Ugh.
"He who claims to love God and hates his brother is a liar"
Compassion for the undeserving is cruelty to the deserving.
from a Christian perspective, you're supposed to love your neighbor. how that turned into loving the guy from across the globe, and hating your actual neighbor who votes wrong, i have no idea.
Very good question. I’ve seen that quite a bit
Winston, we know that you really crave a cute little cabin without a telescreen, away from the watchful eye of Big Brother. You crave the company of an empathic, approachable lady who knows you and loves you anyway.
You just want to be left alone to think your own thoughts and to find out what you could be if the Useful Idiots were not always trying to trip you up so they could literally have you tortured to death as an unbeliever.
It is okay to want modest things. You are allowed to find a moment of stillness and be happy.
Universal Love and World peace are fine in concept, but they are too big for you and me. I can't even get my room tidy enough.
Very uniquely phrased