Codex Pajeet II | India: The Worst Country on Earth
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In case someone hasn't seen this - 4chan created documentary about India.
inb4 bloody bitch bastard
You think China is bad.
You think Africa is bad.
And then you remember India exists.
China isn't terrible, they are bug people who will eat anything but the han Chinese don't marry their cousins and they have been able to construct some kind of functioning civilisation. They aren't our friends but they are on the other side of the world and Westerners and Chinese ultimately have different skill sets.
I hate to defend Pajeet but India actually does have a civilisation. It might be incomprehensible to Westerners and they might have poor toilet habits and marry their cousins but there were actually traces of civilisation in Pajeetistan before Europeans showed up.
Africa has never even invented civilisation, the only traces of it in Africa proper were built by Europeans or the Chinese.
It most definitely is. Chinese culture has been absolutely ravaged by communism. China is a seriously fucked up country. India is just in a league of its own.
Nomadic tribal cultures like in Africa before colonization is preferable to the hell on earth 'civilisation' that is India.
I'll go live and die innawoods like a caveman before I ever set foot in India.
The Cantonese are quite civilized, and thanks to British schooling often speak better English than Americans.
Sadly they are being ethnically cleansed by the Han bug people. R.I.P.
Most of what they have was inherited from the Persians. Left to their own they're like rats.
Thats Pakistan you mohammed worshipping pig! Fucking you!
Oof. I saw the first. Didn't think it needed a part 2. It's certainly a fascinating experience. Like, it's unreal how much they thrive despite their living conditions.
Codex Pajeet II seems more like a revision of the original "Codex Pajeet." Most or all of Pajeet I is in Pajeet II.
I've been waiting for a part 3, very much hell on earth.
I'm dying watching the train segment.
Literal fucking animals can't even stop themselves from hurling themselves in front of or under trains that they can fucking SEE.
And then there're the people filming it all happening
This video is so hard to watch. But it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion and I keep looking.
Words have consequences.
Hope springs eternal.
US Man Brutally Assaults 67-yr-old Indian-origin Nurse Leelamma Inside a Hospital in Florida. The anchor burps at 1:16 and 1:21.
Literal mental patient on involuntarily psychiatric hold becomes violent. "This was because of mean tweets!"