In a certain way this is probably true. Since most new films are explicitly liberal-coded, disliking them is a signal you're not a liberal (and therefore a "bigot" or whatever).
It's the same way you can guess a person's entire belief system based on whether or not they complain about pretty women in anything.
Surely that would vary on the reason why the person is complaining about that pretty woman. For example, Gal Gadot can't act, Amber Heard is an insane sociopath and Scarlett Johansson has retarded political views. Or did you mean someone complaining about the presence of pretty woman in general, in a form of media?
In the form of video game characters would be my guess. The lefties making games these days apparently find it impossible to include attractive female characters.
The prevailing theory is that all these characters are self-inserts and since leftist women are intentionally ugly, their characters are ugly by extension.
The foundational philosophies of leftism, which is just a political extension of globalism, which is run by a specific set of people, always results in a few things.
They're quite literally satanists, whether they admit it or not (for the string pullers), whether they know it or not (for the puppets). Satan thought he knew better than God. Satan is the antithesis of God, God's will, and all the truth of creation. Truth, beauty, and goodness are of God, and since satan is the antithesis, lies, ugliness, and evil are of satan. Whether you're Christian or not, that's what these people believe. Atheism was just a stepping stone to unChristianize the West and get us to embrace their inversions, and eventually open satanism.
Leftist/globalist philosophies always result in lies, ugliness, and evil. The people who believe and practice those beliefs make themselves ugly, they espouse obvious lies, and they practice obvious evils.
Their art is ugly. Their architecture is ugly. Their men are ugly. Their women are ugly. Their TV shows and movies are ugly. Their stories and lessons are ugly. Their characters and motivations are ugly. Their plans, their words, their ideas, their hearts, the fruits they bring forth, it's all ugly. And it's because they've rejected truth, and think they know better.
Complaining that they merely exist is a common Leftist trait. They recoil from fanservice or traditionally attractive women like they're Judge Claude Frollo or something.
This concept is i think the most basic and the most missed in popular dialogue.
I've called it the terminology error. Which is to say that catagory words dont denote categories but rather denote groups that the speaker feels fit said categories.
It's not the same thing, and it's why definitions are so important.
Questioning every claim first on precepts of shared language before validity is a step that's routinely skipped over.
To these people, this headline isn't even a discovery, it's a tautology. One of the definitions of bigot is "Disliking the new star wars.
In a certain way this is probably true. Since most new films are explicitly liberal-coded, disliking them is a signal you're not a liberal (and therefore a "bigot" or whatever).
It's the same way you can guess a person's entire belief system based on whether or not they complain about pretty women in anything.
Surely that would vary on the reason why the person is complaining about that pretty woman. For example, Gal Gadot can't act, Amber Heard is an insane sociopath and Scarlett Johansson has retarded political views. Or did you mean someone complaining about the presence of pretty woman in general, in a form of media?
In the form of video game characters would be my guess. The lefties making games these days apparently find it impossible to include attractive female characters.
The prevailing theory is that all these characters are self-inserts and since leftist women are intentionally ugly, their characters are ugly by extension.
The foundational philosophies of leftism, which is just a political extension of globalism, which is run by a specific set of people, always results in a few things.
They're quite literally satanists, whether they admit it or not (for the string pullers), whether they know it or not (for the puppets). Satan thought he knew better than God. Satan is the antithesis of God, God's will, and all the truth of creation. Truth, beauty, and goodness are of God, and since satan is the antithesis, lies, ugliness, and evil are of satan. Whether you're Christian or not, that's what these people believe. Atheism was just a stepping stone to unChristianize the West and get us to embrace their inversions, and eventually open satanism.
Leftist/globalist philosophies always result in lies, ugliness, and evil. The people who believe and practice those beliefs make themselves ugly, they espouse obvious lies, and they practice obvious evils.
Their art is ugly. Their architecture is ugly. Their men are ugly. Their women are ugly. Their TV shows and movies are ugly. Their stories and lessons are ugly. Their characters and motivations are ugly. Their plans, their words, their ideas, their hearts, the fruits they bring forth, it's all ugly. And it's because they've rejected truth, and think they know better.
Complaining that they merely exist is a common Leftist trait. They recoil from fanservice or traditionally attractive women like they're Judge Claude Frollo or something.
This concept is i think the most basic and the most missed in popular dialogue.
I've called it the terminology error. Which is to say that catagory words dont denote categories but rather denote groups that the speaker feels fit said categories.
It's not the same thing, and it's why definitions are so important.
Questioning every claim first on precepts of shared language before validity is a step that's routinely skipped over.
To these people, this headline isn't even a discovery, it's a tautology. One of the definitions of bigot is "Disliking the new star wars.