Indeed, the office of the presidency carries with it a tremendous power to drive the discourse. But the pattern of vanishing words established here suggests Mr. Trump and his administration may be more interested in chilling the national conversation — at least when it comes to their own disfavored topics — than in expanding it.
Not only should we keep those words, we should be deploying them along the border.
National Park Service’s Stonewall National Monument web page
Before the 1960s, almost everything about living openly as a lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB)transgender, or queer (LGBTQ+) person was illegal. The Stonewall Uprising on June 28, 1969 is a milestone in the quest for LGBTQ+ civil rights and provided momentum for a movement.
This is a "miss the forest for the trees" situations. Forget rewording. A violent bar riot doesn't get a national monument.
Good times are on the horizon. For real though, seeing that list was great. So much garbage is finally being cleaned up.
sMany of these are real words with real meaning that are often used incorrectly. Example: immigrants
Good list.
Projection much?
They missed one.
Yep, that's a word that definitely has to go for a while.
Finally, we can start referring to them as holes, like we always should have been!
The Left-correct term is "front-holed incubator" thank you very much.
Excuse me, the term 'incubator' is gendered. We prefer incubatx.
get turkey back to normal too
Not only should we keep those words, we should be deploying them along the border.
This is a "miss the forest for the trees" situations. Forget rewording. A violent bar riot doesn't get a national monument.