1997 Denise Richards and Dina Meyer absolutely mog any actress working right now. I'd say both of them are at least 9s.
Clearly there are scores of other reasons any remake is doomed, but that's the most obvious one. In the age of DEI, superhumanly attractive women are extinct.
The original movie didn't fail, come on you ape! It wasn't in line with Heihlein's message, but it was pretty dam entertaining.
I read the book. It wouldn't have made a great movie. The ending alone is too detached and depressing where it leaves Rico. The movie did a really good job of turning that around and making it the propaganda element throughout. Then they gave it a cynical and detached but actually "heroic" ending. It was the right call.
I still love the book but liked the movie.
I disagree. Obviously you couldn't tell the story the same way it is being told in the book but the story itself and it's themes could most definitely make a great movie. Essentially it would just be a serious version of the movie we already have.
The story boils down to Rico's observations during his military service. If they took that seriously, it has a good chance of doing well in the box office. Think along the veins of We Were Soldiers.
With elite soldiers zooming around planets in mech suits shooting nukes from their shoulders instead of cannon fodder charging like the Red Army into the meat grinder.
Yeah. Mr Krabs captured the brainbug.
The movie barely broke-even at the time. Not a fail, but it was considered really out of place in the 90s.