Argument is based on a flawed premise from the very beginning: we aren't a democracy.
We send representatives to government not to do what we tell them to do, but to represent us, and represent our interests. They are not a proxy vote, and never were supposed to be.
Aren't we a republican democracy?
Democratic elections have existed as far back as the Ancient Greeks. I thought republic meant in absence of a Monarchy.
Just like with toys and cars, if you want to see how robust something is, hand it to some retards to stress test it. In the same fashion, when democracy is 'given' (lol) to muslim shitholes, they do their best to break it by voting it away.
The only way to safeguard against this is to make democracy completely fake and gay. Elites don't want to head up a system which contains the seeds of its own potential instant dissolution, capable of germinating after one surprise result. And so the fiction we've come to enjoy in the West is that we just happen to opt for democracy every time, over the last century or so, because we prefer it to the alternatives. The reality is that we're offered a barely shifting status quo whose purpose serves only to protect the long term power of faceless, entrenched interests. Democracy is rigged to ensure more democracy, because that's the most useful system to the elite, so at some stage you have to wonder if this is not just some flaw but in fact the intended design.
Democracy conflicts with nature, which favours a hierarchy. In democracy the hierarchy is made invisible and the populace is sold the central, soothing lie which is that our vote makes us the master and that our true masters are actually our servants. 'I pay your wages!' cries the boomer at the WEF mandarin as she imports infinity Indians; 'You serve us, you serve the public!' splutters the hate facts spreader as the cop ships him off to the gulag - that's how it actually works out in reality. Then an elaborate ritual is hosted every 4-ish years to sell the lie and cast the illusory reversal of master and servant all over again.
Argument is based on a flawed premise from the very beginning: we aren't a democracy.
We send representatives to government not to do what we tell them to do, but to represent us, and represent our interests. They are not a proxy vote, and never were supposed to be.
They generally don't don't represent our interests either.
Because, as a Republic, not everyone was supposed to vote.
Aren't we a republican democracy? Democratic elections have existed as far back as the Ancient Greeks. I thought republic meant in absence of a Monarchy.
Exactly. We are a failing Constitutional Republic.
Universal suffrage is societal suicide.
Just like with toys and cars, if you want to see how robust something is, hand it to some retards to stress test it. In the same fashion, when democracy is 'given' (lol) to muslim shitholes, they do their best to break it by voting it away.
The only way to safeguard against this is to make democracy completely fake and gay. Elites don't want to head up a system which contains the seeds of its own potential instant dissolution, capable of germinating after one surprise result. And so the fiction we've come to enjoy in the West is that we just happen to opt for democracy every time, over the last century or so, because we prefer it to the alternatives. The reality is that we're offered a barely shifting status quo whose purpose serves only to protect the long term power of faceless, entrenched interests. Democracy is rigged to ensure more democracy, because that's the most useful system to the elite, so at some stage you have to wonder if this is not just some flaw but in fact the intended design.
Democracy conflicts with nature, which favours a hierarchy. In democracy the hierarchy is made invisible and the populace is sold the central, soothing lie which is that our vote makes us the master and that our true masters are actually our servants. 'I pay your wages!' cries the boomer at the WEF mandarin as she imports infinity Indians; 'You serve us, you serve the public!' splutters the hate facts spreader as the cop ships him off to the gulag - that's how it actually works out in reality. Then an elaborate ritual is hosted every 4-ish years to sell the lie and cast the illusory reversal of master and servant all over again.
The United States democracy (More accurately called a republic) is indeed a pretty terrible system of government.
it's also one of the best humanity has come up with so far.