The only way to fix Wikipedia is to nationalize it, replace every single staff member, and recruit 100% new editors from secret vaults where they've never been exposed to leftists or developed a single leftist or libertarian tendency.
Wikipedia's only allowed to wield the power it does through monopoly. Not enforced monopoly but default in that no one really bothers to look elsewhere and treats it as the source.
Nationalizing it does nothing to change that fact other than in ways that makes it worse.
If you were really dumb and didn't see that it's almost exactly what Elon did with Twitter, I guess you would start saying libertarian boilerplate like "absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Twitter isn't nationalised. It's explicitly private. It might be what you want to see happen to sites like Wikipedia, but it's not nationalised.
And no, I wouldn't say that. I would say that the solution to a problem isn't adding in more of the problem. Wikipedia is a problem because it's an in-group cabal. Further entrenching the strength of a cabal, even if you replace the members, doesn't fix the problem. It's merely replacing it until it too gets taken over again and again and again.
The solution to Wikipedia is to raid the Wikimedia foundation for defamation and convert the Wikimedia network into an archive where all woke propaganda articles are deleted or completely rewritten to condemn the regressive left. Only issue is that the regressive left and globalist conspirators will restart Wikipedia the second it goes under, so we need to ACTUALLY make our own fork that promotes objective reality under our own realistic ideology that falls in line with Wikimedia's writing style while having old Wikipedia links redirect to it.
As for what the other guy said, that will only work if the dissident right assumes full control of the government and can prevent renegade political factions such as the regressive left from ever existing again.
Maybe Wikipedia will have to think a little harder about their policies after USAID income streams dried up
They will be begging EXTRA hard for money!
I'll care when he credibly opposes Great Replacement.
The only way to fix Wikipedia is to nationalize it, replace every single staff member, and recruit 100% new editors from secret vaults where they've never been exposed to leftists or developed a single leftist or libertarian tendency.
Wikipedia's only allowed to wield the power it does through monopoly. Not enforced monopoly but default in that no one really bothers to look elsewhere and treats it as the source.
Nationalizing it does nothing to change that fact other than in ways that makes it worse.
Yeah. Because everyone knows that nationalised sectors aren't pozzed vectors of ideological spread.
Your solution to corruption is a greater form of corruption.
If you were really dumb and didn't see that it's almost exactly what Elon did with Twitter, I guess you would start saying libertarian boilerplate like "absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Twitter isn't nationalised. It's explicitly private. It might be what you want to see happen to sites like Wikipedia, but it's not nationalised.
And no, I wouldn't say that. I would say that the solution to a problem isn't adding in more of the problem. Wikipedia is a problem because it's an in-group cabal. Further entrenching the strength of a cabal, even if you replace the members, doesn't fix the problem. It's merely replacing it until it too gets taken over again and again and again.
The solution to Wikipedia is to raid the Wikimedia foundation for defamation and convert the Wikimedia network into an archive where all woke propaganda articles are deleted or completely rewritten to condemn the regressive left. Only issue is that the regressive left and globalist conspirators will restart Wikipedia the second it goes under, so we need to ACTUALLY make our own fork that promotes objective reality under our own realistic ideology that falls in line with Wikimedia's writing style while having old Wikipedia links redirect to it.
As for what the other guy said, that will only work if the dissident right assumes full control of the government and can prevent renegade political factions such as the regressive left from ever existing again.