"... We need better data to create better clinical guidelines for lesbian, gay, bisxual, transgender, queer, and intersx people."
Last time I checked all of this degenerates are still human and is either male or female. We already have guidelines for that. How does you wanting to suck cock or eat pussy affect the way for doctors to treat your illness differently from other humans?
"This ignores the 5.6 million Americans born intersex"
This bitch is crazy, the current actual intersex occurrence rate is ~0.018%. Aka ~64 thousand Americans born intersex, not even accounting for the even lower diagnosis rate when most older Americans were born.
So not only is her research area stupid and redundant, she's also criminally incompetent at it anyway. She's exposing herself as a poster child for why Trump's cuts are justified.
These people are parasites. All the money that has been wasted on bullshit like gender studies ... it's insane.
Last time I checked all of this degenerates are still human and is either male or female. We already have guidelines for that. How does you wanting to suck cock or eat pussy affect the way for doctors to treat your illness differently from other humans?
This bitch is crazy, the current actual intersex occurrence rate is ~0.018%. Aka ~64 thousand Americans born intersex, not even accounting for the even lower diagnosis rate when most older Americans were born.
So not only is her research area stupid and redundant, she's also criminally incompetent at it anyway. She's exposing herself as a poster child for why Trump's cuts are justified.
She uses hyperbole, lies and conflation of a genetic abnormality with a sexual kink / lifestyle choice.
I'm assuming they mostly mean mental illnesses. And they love that one study that showed a tranny had a brain of the opposite sex
"There are no differences between men and women! It's all socially constructed!"
"Trannies are born with the wrong bodies for their brains!"
However is the nation going to function without this brilliant mind and her crucial professional expertise.