After the big Fukushima earthquake, the yakuza ("gangsters") were the first ones to provide disaster relief, even before the Japanese government. Yes, they're gangsters and probably scumbags in real life—let's not glamorize it—but they take protecting their territory seriously.
New York was basically ran by jewish mobs. All the Hollywood stuff of Italian mobsters was done to draw attention away from what they were doing. That is where the term "heebie jeebies" comes from, people being scared around jewish gangsters.
This isn't that uncommon at all as you know who financed soup kitchens to feed the poor during the depression? Al Capone
Who gave away a lot to local communities? Pablo Escobar
SMART criminal gangs know the benefits of taking a portion of your income and using it to improve the local area as then people feel indebted to you to then be more agreeable to your presence and activities.
And there is less likelihood you end up like El Salvador..
im taking a guess that that that only tends to only work with criminal gangs that are native to the region who at least consider where they are staying to be home so they want to have a more long term relationship with the locals. . . Somehow i dont think foreign gangs would bother to take care of their local area.
well, that and it only really works if you don't stir up too much trouble. u/SocraticMethod1 mentioned Al Capone's soup kitchens, but the public support of the man quickly dried up after the valentine's day massacre.
Obviously nice to have a good image in the eyes of the general population. It's also not the first time Yakuza helped disaster victims. I also vaguely remember Yakuza giving out gifts to kids during Halloween(but that later got banned).
At least they're not like what games like Yakuza portray them as. Some old Kotaku article had a guy who was ex-yakuza dude playing the actual yakuza game and he was like "We're not like that anymore, we used to do that in the 70s/80s! Nowadays we're more above the table and mostly following the law so nobody looks at us."
So they're more like - business oriented - they just operate outside the law but they don't try to get in the way of normies just trying to live a life. I'd say that's an acceptable compromise. All those horror stories about human trafficking and shit is not their stuff anymore.
After the big Fukushima earthquake, the yakuza ("gangsters") were the first ones to provide disaster relief, even before the Japanese government. Yes, they're gangsters and probably scumbags in real life—let's not glamorize it—but they take protecting their territory seriously.
Because they understand money. You want a steady cash flow? You need a strong, stable economy. THAT is what they're protecting.
Kind of makes me wonder if we wouldn't benefit from having some of our own homegrown mafias instead of hordes of foreign gangs.
New York was basically ran by jewish mobs. All the Hollywood stuff of Italian mobsters was done to draw attention away from what they were doing. That is where the term "heebie jeebies" comes from, people being scared around jewish gangsters.
This isn't that uncommon at all as you know who financed soup kitchens to feed the poor during the depression? Al Capone
Who gave away a lot to local communities? Pablo Escobar
SMART criminal gangs know the benefits of taking a portion of your income and using it to improve the local area as then people feel indebted to you to then be more agreeable to your presence and activities.
And there is less likelihood you end up like El Salvador..
im taking a guess that that that only tends to only work with criminal gangs that are native to the region who at least consider where they are staying to be home so they want to have a more long term relationship with the locals. . . Somehow i dont think foreign gangs would bother to take care of their local area.
well, that and it only really works if you don't stir up too much trouble. u/SocraticMethod1 mentioned Al Capone's soup kitchens, but the public support of the man quickly dried up after the valentine's day massacre.
Pretty much, unless they are sort of native to the local immigrant communities like in New York during the depression.
Obviously nice to have a good image in the eyes of the general population. It's also not the first time Yakuza helped disaster victims. I also vaguely remember Yakuza giving out gifts to kids during Halloween(but that later got banned).
yeah, but there was a big yakuza war in the 80s that really soured their public image, so this is still saying a lot.
At least they're not like what games like Yakuza portray them as. Some old Kotaku article had a guy who was ex-yakuza dude playing the actual yakuza game and he was like "We're not like that anymore, we used to do that in the 70s/80s! Nowadays we're more above the table and mostly following the law so nobody looks at us."
So they're more like - business oriented - they just operate outside the law but they don't try to get in the way of normies just trying to live a life. I'd say that's an acceptable compromise. All those horror stories about human trafficking and shit is not their stuff anymore.