Everything that has up/down vote and karma will turn into reddit eventually.
There's a natural progression of message boards: neutral forum with votes, one side dominates, hide downvote count to suppress dissent, censor dissent, become a hivemind, shrink due to 'hawking radiation' of people randomly escaping the pull inwards, eventually gone.
Hackernews and some .wins were at the "hide downvote" stage - with Trump 47 HN is now at the censor dissent stage.
Make sure you’re browsing communities.win/c/kotakuinaction2 and not patriots.win/c/kotakuinaction2
Am I the only one here who uses the domain?
I do, but I also don't go anywhere else on the site either.
The few times I've looked elsewhere, like getting tagged in drama, it felt like that New Reddit and I hated it.
Ah, so that's what we have in common.
I think we probably have too much in common, which is why we default to arguing and headbutting despite our history of cooperation.
Everything that has up/down vote and karma will turn into reddit eventually.
There's a natural progression of message boards: neutral forum with votes, one side dominates, hide downvote count to suppress dissent, censor dissent, become a hivemind, shrink due to 'hawking radiation' of people randomly escaping the pull inwards, eventually gone.
Hackernews and some .wins were at the "hide downvote" stage - with Trump 47 HN is now at the censor dissent stage.
I meant New Reddit as in the actual changed formatting and UI that they created a few years ago which they called that.
But everything else you said is accurate regardless.
I do, it works fine that way too.
I use it 9/10 times but occasionally go browsing the larger communities.win boards when there's nothing new here.
I think if you use that domain you’ll have the same problem but in reverse - are you able to see the OP’s comments on patriots via his profile?
Nope, just comments here.
The mod logs look different depending on which domain you use too. The legacy domains are a little funky.
I never knew this. Thanks!
I've had that issue with the Imp - he apparently comments a lot on other forums, but I can never see and enjoy his masterpieces.
You ain’t missin much
I use it.