I don't want to speak for the OP, but I take it he means who cares if AAA publishers are dying because of their failures and not listening to consumers.
Good choice - recent buy or long time owner? I got it recently (no dlc) and just kinda felt like I had no idea what to do after beating the campaign twice - my sense was that most of the fun comes from making alts and trying all the different builds, would you echo that?
Yeah, it's very much a game of "oh, what if next run I try this build". Then you get halfway through the run and have another idea and you end up never actually finishing any builds but having fun anyway just getting halfway there each time. I'd say the DLC is worth it for the expanded class selection alone. I end up putting Oathkeeper in half my builds because I keep getting some half-baked idea for a retaliation build and it works really well to support that archetype.
this place is called GAMERgate forum so of course we care
I don't want to speak for the OP, but I take it he means who cares if AAA publishers are dying because of their failures and not listening to consumers.
it's on topic, if the op doesn't want to hear about it, he can go somewhere else.
Or I’ll just post my little meme, no need to shit yourself over it lmfao
Who in their right mind spends all day every day obsessed with the shit they hate?
Of course you’re right, to varying degrees. I’m just trying to offer a little counter-weight to the balance
The only games you care about are those with naked lolis in them.
What games do you enjoy?
at the moment? Grim Dawn.
Got to try that again, I always get sidetracked before I get too far, like all hack n slash looter games.
Good choice - recent buy or long time owner? I got it recently (no dlc) and just kinda felt like I had no idea what to do after beating the campaign twice - my sense was that most of the fun comes from making alts and trying all the different builds, would you echo that?
Come check out virtual pinball it’s fun af
Yeah, it's very much a game of "oh, what if next run I try this build". Then you get halfway through the run and have another idea and you end up never actually finishing any builds but having fun anyway just getting halfway there each time. I'd say the DLC is worth it for the expanded class selection alone. I end up putting Oathkeeper in half my builds because I keep getting some half-baked idea for a retaliation build and it works really well to support that archetype.
OP confirmed faggot