Yeah, but we're also talking about the guy who — very literally — ran and muscled his way through the crowd of G8 leaders to place himself at the front for the group photo. Trump's body language screamed "GTFO OF MY WAY!" Then he did the same thing to the late Queen of England, walking ahead of her at her own function, as her guest. He even spoke first, completely ignoring her. Again, he exhumes "I'm the boss" energy, even when he's a guest. Trump dominates every room he walks into. He wants everyone to know "I'm the boss!"
Except here. No, here he acts the meek servant. Here he's quietly mindful of the only other person in the room. Why?
It's clear as day who's the real boss in this interaction. Just accept it.
He also handed Merkle a starburst. Face it, the President is an alpha chad and alpha chads know when to be gentlemanly.
Also, you ever met a car salesman? Even if they know the customer is some low-income sob here to finance a car, they'll treat that pauper like a king, why? Because that poor is the customer and the salesman wants something from them.
Don't read too much into it, or do, I don't give a shit.
Can you motherfuckers stop dooming for one gosh darn second?
Trump has already done more good in his first two weeks than most presidents do in their entire term. Low bar, admittedly...but still, I'm fucking thrilled.
Any sane person knew Trump would do things and behave in ways we didn't like. He's still knocking it out of the fucking park.
Take like three or four chillpills, bros.
He doesn't even have some of his most important cabinet appointments yet...and he's still done the seemingly impossible.
i'm glad you'll be happy with him pardoning that drug dealing website guy and protecting free speech while literally dying for israel on the gaza strip.
i do not think you would be as eager to sound vaguely wise online yet say so little if you were where trump really wanted you - in gaza, dying for israel.
Yo, poor black pilled fool, simply can not understand trump’s 8^2D chess move he is doing. No, I’m not going to even explain it to you, I’m just going to tell you to trust the plan.
Dude picked up a Marine's hat when it blew away. People do things without thinking about every little bit of subtext behind their action.
I also read the comments on that tweet, we really are living in the era of Trump holy shit.
Yeah, but we're also talking about the guy who — very literally — ran and muscled his way through the crowd of G8 leaders to place himself at the front for the group photo. Trump's body language screamed "GTFO OF MY WAY!" Then he did the same thing to the late Queen of England, walking ahead of her at her own function, as her guest. He even spoke first, completely ignoring her. Again, he exhumes "I'm the boss" energy, even when he's a guest. Trump dominates every room he walks into. He wants everyone to know "I'm the boss!"
Except here. No, here he acts the meek servant. Here he's quietly mindful of the only other person in the room. Why?
It's clear as day who's the real boss in this interaction. Just accept it.
He also handed Merkle a starburst. Face it, the President is an alpha chad and alpha chads know when to be gentlemanly.
Also, you ever met a car salesman? Even if they know the customer is some low-income sob here to finance a car, they'll treat that pauper like a king, why? Because that poor is the customer and the salesman wants something from them.
Don't read too much into it, or do, I don't give a shit.
Can you motherfuckers stop dooming for one gosh darn second?
Trump has already done more good in his first two weeks than most presidents do in their entire term. Low bar, admittedly...but still, I'm fucking thrilled.
Any sane person knew Trump would do things and behave in ways we didn't like. He's still knocking it out of the fucking park.
Take like three or four chillpills, bros.
He doesn't even have some of his most important cabinet appointments yet...and he's still done the seemingly impossible.
It's demoralizing tactics. They want us to come off the high of seeing this man come thru with his campaign promises
i'm glad you'll be happy with him pardoning that drug dealing website guy and protecting free speech while literally dying for israel on the gaza strip.
It's okay, son. One day, you will learn strategy.
i do not think you would be as eager to sound vaguely wise online yet say so little if you were where trump really wanted you - in gaza, dying for israel.
Yo, poor black pilled fool, simply can not understand trump’s 8^2D chess move he is doing. No, I’m not going to even explain it to you, I’m just going to tell you to trust the plan.
low quality post
Because it's sobering?
Because is crushes your delusions about who really runs this country?
Because it brings you back to the reality that there is no political solution, no "Superman" coming to save us?
because it's a 3-second clip of the president having manners with no other context. it literally doesn't say anything.
It's okay, son. One day, you will learn strategy.
I'm not your son, you're not Sun Tzu, and Trump isn't the leader he claims to be.
I'll be back in two or three years to remind you how badly your comment has aged.
Fucking doomers...
If I'm right about Trump, then you'll owe me an apology.
If I'm wrong about Trump, then I'm living in a better world.
They way I see it, I can't lose.
This is what happens when you don't enforce standards.
I dunno maybe it's just a wild theory, but maybe he's just making the real hidden ones feel comfortable enough to slip up and expose themselves ?
Literally just a stoner thought