I think he was a good person, but he was also a Reddit-tier moron. So his intentions are good, but when he does actually manage to do good things it's by accident.
His post presidency work building houses and living in a very inexpensive little thing he built himself for 60 straight years isn't made up and speaks of a far more humble, kind man than probably any president in the last century.
So at the very least if it was a meme, he was living the lie. Which is still above the vast majority of politicians.
Is the "he was a bad president but a good person" real or just a gop meme like how Bush is now buddy buddy with democrats
I think he was a good person, but he was also a Reddit-tier moron. So his intentions are good, but when he does actually manage to do good things it's by accident.
His post presidency work building houses and living in a very inexpensive little thing he built himself for 60 straight years isn't made up and speaks of a far more humble, kind man than probably any president in the last century.
So at the very least if it was a meme, he was living the lie. Which is still above the vast majority of politicians.
Don't know wasn't alive then, but it FEELS like Rose tinted glasses were used looking at his life.
I wasn’t alive either, but I do remember my grandfather saying “at least this new Bill Clinton guy isn’t another idiot peanut farmer”
He was a piece of shit who let American hostages sweat it out in Iran for 444 days while he shoved peanuts up his ass. Fuck Jimmy Carter.
he's been doing charity work my whole life