I fail to understand why some white people cheer their own replacement. No other ethnic group does this, and they only apply this logic to themselves.
You'll never catch them cheering on a demographic shift in Asia or Africa resulting in the displacement of the native culture, but when is the US or Europe they clap like trained seals at the prospect of eradicating the cultures that gave us philosophy, science, democracy, and spurred basically every innovation that makes modern life so comfortable.
Honestly that doesn't explain it. There's something wrong with the Anglos themselves. Even in the US, among all white demographics, Anglos supported Donald Trump the least. Anglicanism is effectively Progressive Heresy at this point. The least Anglo nation in the Anglosphere is the US, and it's actually resisting Progressivism and Socialism the best.
I don't know what it is about Anglo culture, but I think it has something to do with how shame, guilt, and social status signaling relate.
Perhaps. I think it might even be related to the same sentiment behind colonialism: "We must civilize the world. We must make an imposition on ourselves to make the world a better place". That seems to be the logic.
I fail to understand why some white people cheer their own replacement.
I grew up in a very liberal part of California, surrounded by liberals/progressives. It was the status quo. I wasn't extreme anti-white, thankfully, but I did have negative views of white people, as a white person myself.
If you're taught from a young age - even passively via osmosis - that white people are bad, you're likely to believe it.
It also helps massively that saying white people aren't bad is verboten, so you don't hear the counterpoint much and, when you do, it's demonized, which just proves the point to the indoctrinated party. If the only people saying white people aren't bad are "Nazis" (yes, it's circular and self-referential, because they're Nazis because they said white people aren't bad)...well, white people must be really bad, right? The only people defending them are Bad People!
They're either so stupid that they haven't figured out they're being conned after all this time or too young to figure out because their cowardly parents kept their mouths shut when it mattered.
They think they're going to be honored servants in the New Order.
They aren't actually White, but pretend to be when it suits their purposes.
It's because they were raised by idiots, and then went to schools that taught them dumb shit. I had to go over my kids school work ever fucking night ," that may be the answer they want, but that's not the correct answer". I was the only parent that read the stupid books... How else was going to be able to help with homework? But, the school didn't like a parent reading the books. They tried to discourage it multiple times.
I read the books to make sure my sons knew how fucking stupid they were.
I fail to understand why some white people cheer their own replacement. No other ethnic group does this, and they only apply this logic to themselves.
You'll never catch them cheering on a demographic shift in Asia or Africa resulting in the displacement of the native culture, but when is the US or Europe they clap like trained seals at the prospect of eradicating the cultures that gave us philosophy, science, democracy, and spurred basically every innovation that makes modern life so comfortable.
Decades of non-stop political indoctrination.
Honestly that doesn't explain it. There's something wrong with the Anglos themselves. Even in the US, among all white demographics, Anglos supported Donald Trump the least. Anglicanism is effectively Progressive Heresy at this point. The least Anglo nation in the Anglosphere is the US, and it's actually resisting Progressivism and Socialism the best.
I don't know what it is about Anglo culture, but I think it has something to do with how shame, guilt, and social status signaling relate.
White Mans Burden turned inwards, I suppose.
Perhaps. I think it might even be related to the same sentiment behind colonialism: "We must civilize the world. We must make an imposition on ourselves to make the world a better place". That seems to be the logic.
Nothing you said after "that doesn't explain it" offers a different explanation...
That's because I don't have an explanation...
I literally said I don't know what it is.
I grew up in a very liberal part of California, surrounded by liberals/progressives. It was the status quo. I wasn't extreme anti-white, thankfully, but I did have negative views of white people, as a white person myself.
If you're taught from a young age - even passively via osmosis - that white people are bad, you're likely to believe it.
It also helps massively that saying white people aren't bad is verboten, so you don't hear the counterpoint much and, when you do, it's demonized, which just proves the point to the indoctrinated party. If the only people saying white people aren't bad are "Nazis" (yes, it's circular and self-referential, because they're Nazis because they said white people aren't bad)...well, white people must be really bad, right? The only people defending them are Bad People!
It's a really effective attack.
There are three possibilities.
They're either so stupid that they haven't figured out they're being conned after all this time or too young to figure out because their cowardly parents kept their mouths shut when it mattered.
They think they're going to be honored servants in the New Order.
They aren't actually White, but pretend to be when it suits their purposes.
It's because they were raised by idiots, and then went to schools that taught them dumb shit. I had to go over my kids school work ever fucking night ," that may be the answer they want, but that's not the correct answer". I was the only parent that read the stupid books... How else was going to be able to help with homework? But, the school didn't like a parent reading the books. They tried to discourage it multiple times.
I read the books to make sure my sons knew how fucking stupid they were.