When I went see Sonic 3 with the kids the other day, there was audible groaning from the audience (midday on a weekend well after release so not very full) when the trailer for this played. There was nothing on the HTTYD trailer that followed but excited children, so its clear that this movie has particular bad blood built up beyond being woke.
Literally no one is interested in this and its offending everyone with its existence. Even the snippet of song they threw in was terrible.
Even my elderly relatives noticed when the disastrous picture of the 7 Magical Companions was leaked.
It's probably already the biggest and most well known wokewash there ever was so far. That photo might be the most important thing to happen to woke culture. I hope this is the turning point it's looking like
Honestly, I think that picture of this goblina smugly looking off camera in the bright yellow light is far more offensive to everyone's sensibilities.
We could laugh at the dumbness of the 7 dwarves idea, but that's just a bad decision that would be funny on its own.
But having to pretend this disgusting creature is the "fairest of them all" (even if they tried to redefine "fair" to get around it) is an ask far too large for even normal people. Her face is disgusting, her attitude is so nasty it shows on her face, and then she started getting in the news for mouthing off at that.
Yeah but its also used in basically every article about the movie because its the most clear shot of her for much of the pre-release. Here, though its literally offensively ugly on a visceral level.
Which is why I think its so effectively hated. Because it has a disgust reaction compared to something like the Little Mermaid just looking odd.
Did you like it? Sonic 1/2 were maybe the only big-budget movies in the last 20 years that I liked. I wish I had kids, just so that I could watch it with them! Hope you had fun.
I did, I think its probably the best of the 3 but I am biased due to an extremely large amount of nostalgia for Sonic Adventure 2 which is what was being adapted here. Its full of little details and callbacks that showed a genuine care for that game that made me feel unironically pandered to.
Like Eggman getting a phonecall and his ringone is his fucking themesong from that game.
It even feels like they heard complaints people had about the previous movies and worked to correct them. The human plot is basically non-existent, Tom's involvement is incredibly well done and valid, and they cut all the annoying humans to cameos like the loud black sister and the Jewy Jew friend.
Somehow, fucking Sonic the Hedgehog is knocking it out of the park with his movies each time.
I still find it hilarious on a meta level that we were a hair away from a different timeline, where Paramount would double down on Ugly Sonic and kill the movie series before it even began.
I think the fact that they were willing to go back and spend that much time/money to fix it after backlash is why they are currently succeeding so hard.
A company willing to listen to fans and adapt around what they are saying works and doesn't work is a lot more likely to make something with genuine soul and sincerity.
Like, they could have kept tripling down on the Olive Garden jokes from the second movie, but instead they go to the fucking Chao Garden in this one to make literally everyone watching happier.
It looks like they just green screened people into the DreamWorks movie lmao wut!? The top YT comment for the trailer is hilarious: this would be an awesome animation!
Come on.
(Will still watch it after theaters bc Gerard Butler and Nick Frost. The Drinker can't mock a GB movie bc he IS drunk GB lol)
It does look fine, that's why the only people up in arms about it is people like us who actually call out when they turn characters into niggers for no reason.
Which is the point of the comparison. Snow White is so bad that its crossed the threshold into being more than just us calling it out, whereas the prior movies just silently existed and faded away as the only resistance from greater society.
Completely insane that they thought it was a good idea to put a hateful brown goblin up against Gal Gadot in a story that famously revolves around which woman is fairer.
When I went see Sonic 3 with the kids the other day, there was audible groaning from the audience (midday on a weekend well after release so not very full) when the trailer for this played. There was nothing on the HTTYD trailer that followed but excited children, so its clear that this movie has particular bad blood built up beyond being woke.
Literally no one is interested in this and its offending everyone with its existence. Even the snippet of song they threw in was terrible.
Even my elderly relatives noticed when the disastrous picture of the 7 Magical Companions was leaked.
It's probably already the biggest and most well known wokewash there ever was so far. That photo might be the most important thing to happen to woke culture. I hope this is the turning point it's looking like
Honestly, I think that picture of this goblina smugly looking off camera in the bright yellow light is far more offensive to everyone's sensibilities.
We could laugh at the dumbness of the 7 dwarves idea, but that's just a bad decision that would be funny on its own.
But having to pretend this disgusting creature is the "fairest of them all" (even if they tried to redefine "fair" to get around it) is an ask far too large for even normal people. Her face is disgusting, her attitude is so nasty it shows on her face, and then she started getting in the news for mouthing off at that.
which picture? Is it from the trailer?
Yeah but its also used in basically every article about the movie because its the most clear shot of her for much of the pre-release. Here, though its literally offensively ugly on a visceral level.
Which is why I think its so effectively hated. Because it has a disgust reaction compared to something like the Little Mermaid just looking odd.
Dahl wasn't wrong. If you're nasty you'll always be ugly, not matter how gorgeous you are.
Did you like it? Sonic 1/2 were maybe the only big-budget movies in the last 20 years that I liked. I wish I had kids, just so that I could watch it with them! Hope you had fun.
I did, I think its probably the best of the 3 but I am biased due to an extremely large amount of nostalgia for Sonic Adventure 2 which is what was being adapted here. Its full of little details and callbacks that showed a genuine care for that game that made me feel unironically pandered to.
Like Eggman getting a phonecall and his ringone is his fucking themesong from that game.
It even feels like they heard complaints people had about the previous movies and worked to correct them. The human plot is basically non-existent, Tom's involvement is incredibly well done and valid, and they cut all the annoying humans to cameos like the loud black sister and the Jewy Jew friend.
Somehow, fucking Sonic the Hedgehog is knocking it out of the park with his movies each time.
I still find it hilarious on a meta level that we were a hair away from a different timeline, where Paramount would double down on Ugly Sonic and kill the movie series before it even began.
I think the fact that they were willing to go back and spend that much time/money to fix it after backlash is why they are currently succeeding so hard.
A company willing to listen to fans and adapt around what they are saying works and doesn't work is a lot more likely to make something with genuine soul and sincerity.
Like, they could have kept tripling down on the Olive Garden jokes from the second movie, but instead they go to the fucking Chao Garden in this one to make literally everyone watching happier.
You can buy children for very reasonable prices! In rural parts of the Dominican republic you can buy them for less than the cost of the airfare.
The adoption process would be a little more difficult and complex, but parenthood is not without sacrifices.
I kinda want that high IQ, though.
HTTYD looked fine. LILO and stitch looks fine as well
Turning the blonde love interest into a shitskinned resting bitch face girl boss "looked fine"? Are you being serious?
Brown? So How to Train Your Dragon is doing We Wuz Vikings?
It looks like they just green screened people into the DreamWorks movie lmao wut!? The top YT comment for the trailer is hilarious: this would be an awesome animation!
Come on.
(Will still watch it after theaters bc Gerard Butler and Nick Frost. The Drinker can't mock a GB movie bc he IS drunk GB lol)
It does look fine, that's why the only people up in arms about it is people like us who actually call out when they turn characters into niggers for no reason.
Which is the point of the comparison. Snow White is so bad that its crossed the threshold into being more than just us calling it out, whereas the prior movies just silently existed and faded away as the only resistance from greater society.
Lilo is an acronym?
Last in last out. It’s what autocorrect did
Looked like race-swapped woke-trash.
Completely insane that they thought it was a good idea to put a hateful brown goblin up against Gal Gadot in a story that famously revolves around which woman is fairer.
Oh shit, wtf did they do THIS TIME?!
"There could be beautiful people around here." she though.
"I hate beautiful people."
Yeah, right.
The lower pic doesn't even have a uni-brow. Who are you kidding with trying to improve her looks?