If Elon and Vivek shitting the bed and showing their true pajeet-loving faces was a "psyop"...
It's a mixed bag. As someone else said, the focus and pushing attention is a psyop. The problems are real, but how it's being spun is indeed suspicious. This is Orange Man Bad, TDS shit coming from the right. Again, that's not even to say the problems are not genuine, but this is being used by nefarious actors.
It's also worth noting that, although I hate Elon's take, I don't think he ever mentioned Indians, and people are inferring that. Same for Vivek, actually, I think, although that one is a bit more reasonable since he's said he wants more Indians in the past.
So, as is often the case, I'm a bit of a fence straddler here. This shit fucking stinks, and I really don't like the stance a bunch of these people (Elon, Vivek, Trump, etc.) have taken, but it is also true it's being used to drive a wedge, and some things are even taken out of context.
Now, to be completely clear: America First, America for Americans. I don't want anyone coming over here to do jobs Americans are capable of.
There is no reality in which the enemies of Trump do not seize upon every opportunity to amplify conflict within his political base. The media were already inventing these stories for the last ten years. Now that the conflict is very real, why would leftists be silent?
But this does not mean that the conflict doesn’t exist or shouldn’t be allowed to exist. The media benefits from it and finally have something true to report, but that’s not half as bad as the discovery that major conservative leaders are, once again, stabbing their constituents in the back. Are we supposed to stay quiet in order to own the lefties? Sure, let’s own them by accepting a different flavor of great replacement.
Better idea: look at what happened to the left when they allowed the globalists to overrun and derail everything. Is that what we want for the right?
Answer this question: why does the American middle class need to disappear so that Elon Musk can get to Mars ten years sooner?
Past a certain point, everything is potentially a psyop and calling everything a psyop is itself the psyop. I don't remember much of this 'Hold the line! Don't split the base! It's a psyop!' shit when the UK Conservative party imploded completely under their own impetus. It resulted in an unopposed Labour party, on the surface, but I haven't seen anyone make the serious argument that the UK right wing should have stuck by the Conservatives anyway.
Fine, we haven't seen what approach Trump's admin will actually take yet - but that's no reason not to make as much noise about it as possible. This is a core, live issue. Americans should WANT as many Republican representatives as possible quaking in their boots over the idea that they're being perceived as too neoliberal, and you should want them feeling that way fast, along with Trump too.
Are we supposed to stay quiet in order to own the lefties?
No, and not what I was saying.
People just need to be careful, both in what they're saying, and who they're listening to. There are plenty of bad actors who are acting like they're on Our Side, but their intent is to disrupt.
It's a mixed bag. As someone else said, the focus and pushing attention is a psyop. The problems are real, but how it's being spun is indeed suspicious. This is Orange Man Bad, TDS shit coming from the right. Again, that's not even to say the problems are not genuine, but this is being used by nefarious actors.
It's also worth noting that, although I hate Elon's take, I don't think he ever mentioned Indians, and people are inferring that. Same for Vivek, actually, I think, although that one is a bit more reasonable since he's said he wants more Indians in the past.
So, as is often the case, I'm a bit of a fence straddler here. This shit fucking stinks, and I really don't like the stance a bunch of these people (Elon, Vivek, Trump, etc.) have taken, but it is also true it's being used to drive a wedge, and some things are even taken out of context.
Now, to be completely clear: America First, America for Americans. I don't want anyone coming over here to do jobs Americans are capable of.
Fair enough.
Point is, "Pajeet invasion" is en vogue, and people were jumping to it. But, yes, H-1Bs are largely Indian, so there's no getting away from that.
Slightly off topic, but what sort of invasion of the West isn't en vogue? Can't we just be left alone, and put our own people first?
The only way to be left alone is to remove the ability of the other to interact with you. The last hundred years has made that perfectly clear.
You guys could try launching every nuke you got at all these supposed "allies". They'll leave you alone then.
... well, because they're dead, thats why. Heehee, I said a funny.
There is no reality in which the enemies of Trump do not seize upon every opportunity to amplify conflict within his political base. The media were already inventing these stories for the last ten years. Now that the conflict is very real, why would leftists be silent?
But this does not mean that the conflict doesn’t exist or shouldn’t be allowed to exist. The media benefits from it and finally have something true to report, but that’s not half as bad as the discovery that major conservative leaders are, once again, stabbing their constituents in the back. Are we supposed to stay quiet in order to own the lefties? Sure, let’s own them by accepting a different flavor of great replacement.
Better idea: look at what happened to the left when they allowed the globalists to overrun and derail everything. Is that what we want for the right?
Answer this question: why does the American middle class need to disappear so that Elon Musk can get to Mars ten years sooner?
Past a certain point, everything is potentially a psyop and calling everything a psyop is itself the psyop. I don't remember much of this 'Hold the line! Don't split the base! It's a psyop!' shit when the UK Conservative party imploded completely under their own impetus. It resulted in an unopposed Labour party, on the surface, but I haven't seen anyone make the serious argument that the UK right wing should have stuck by the Conservatives anyway.
Fine, we haven't seen what approach Trump's admin will actually take yet - but that's no reason not to make as much noise about it as possible. This is a core, live issue. Americans should WANT as many Republican representatives as possible quaking in their boots over the idea that they're being perceived as too neoliberal, and you should want them feeling that way fast, along with Trump too.
No, and not what I was saying.
People just need to be careful, both in what they're saying, and who they're listening to. There are plenty of bad actors who are acting like they're on Our Side, but their intent is to disrupt.