it seems they just blame white man for anti-semetism lol. like if rape goes up after importing rapefugees? blame men in general while having images of white men as illustration.
Isn't it great how you can get shawarma within walking distance of the apartment? Just don't look any of the men around there in the eye if you're a woman. And don't walk alone. And don't mind being woke up at 5am by the call to prayer. And make sure you travel in groups. And don't get too close, because they might stab you. And...
Maybe the jewish community of New York will stop helping import them via various NGOs now that they are being threatened by the invasion -
Is what I would say if I wasn’t somewhat intelligent. Man I hate this country.
it seems they just blame white man for anti-semetism lol. like if rape goes up after importing rapefugees? blame men in general while having images of white men as illustration.
Jews are a lot like communists in that their golems always end up turning on them
Communism is the extension of Judaism into politics. It's why all the prominent communists were born Jewish.
same thing for the UK and funny how even in the UK forum they will bend ass backwards trying to justify it
Top ten! Pah that's weak - it's been #1 in the UK for years.
yep and if you say anything, you get banned or criminalised
That's pretty surprising, if only because you don't really hear of NYC having a disproportionate influx of muslims like Minneapolis or Dearborn, MI.
That’s because they couch in it “shawarma” stands
Isn't it great how you can get shawarma within walking distance of the apartment? Just don't look any of the men around there in the eye if you're a woman. And don't walk alone. And don't mind being woke up at 5am by the call to prayer. And make sure you travel in groups. And don't get too close, because they might stab you. And...
they have to go back
Mohammad was a pedophile
I mean, if you give every male child the same name, it is much easier to compete.