Like parasites, India is dead set on spreading its people across the world for financial gain, and Trump seems to be more than happy to open the Pajeet floodgates.
Canada’s Pajeet problem is so bad that even the leftists hate them, and Pajeet replacement in America has been ramped up significantly in the tech sector these past few years, and will spread to other sectors soon enough. I’m tired of all of this bullshit and the seemingly never-ending push for more cheap, incompetent Pajeet labor.
I get the concern but with HOW much this is being pushed, this is beginning to feel like psy op territory to make us devolve into infighting..
Indians have a culture of when one is successful, having friends and family demand they 'share' in their success, even if it ruins it. Even if there are exceptionally intelligent Indians or other nationalities than could help increase the pace of American domestic development, we'd need to also improve visa rules so they can come with conditions but their relatives CAN'T and make easier that if they don't perform, easy process sending them back.
It’s not, you faggot. Pajeets are the new black & beaners.
They don’t affect you now. They will.
You didn't read the conditions I applied or acknowledged the issues of their culture.
Besides with the incoming border czar, it's going to be more deportations and restructuring the visa system so they can exclude any relatives that want to latch onto a successful legal immigrant.
No conditions or other trickedy tricks will serve to constrain an inherently low trust culture. Particularly not one as morally vile and inherently dishonest as theirs.
There is no gain to be had here worth the societal decay that they bring.
The only way we can get round the talent pool deficit is to employ the help of Asia like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan but that ALSO requires shutting down the NGOs and UN that are trying to suppress them so bad to become like the rest of the West.
Which I'm fine with, turning the UN headquarters into a parking garage would be an improvement.
Any restrictions can be rescinded once they're in. Just look at what happened with beaners.
Why we need an example first, I hope they go hard with ICE immediately as the only reason Trump got far despite all the domestic resistance is he showed internationally he would genuinely fuck you over if you tried to mess with him.
We don't need them taking American jobs. I see no evidence that the best of India would turn out better results than the best of America. Contrary to Elon, there are plenty of engineers to hire.
There's a bit of a disconnect here, as are you implying the very same education system that promotes lgbt mental illness to kids, creating wedges between children and their parents, berates boys for being boys and in some cases persecutes children for displaying 'far right ideology' can ALSO educate to the standard that means a company like Space X can get ALL the specialists it requires from the US alone?
Western education has sabotaged MANY kids from their full potential, so we don't have the inbuilt talent to just close up all channels completely for this particular field. Manufacturing is different as that SHOULD be handled domestically but when it comes to talent picking, I go by the guy that got a team together that could catch a rocket with two oversized chopsticks. We just have to stop any of the leeches trying to follow them access.
I am stating that, not implying it, because it is true. SpaceX cannot employ foreign nationals.
Our educational pipeline is compromised, but we have the ability to fix it. We have no ability to fix the broken diploma mill pipeline in India which is still, even at this late date, worse than ours.
Even if you are completely correct and Indians are that much better at tech, all you would do is create an elite overclass of people who are indifferent or even hostile to native Americans. For what benefit? Slightly cheaper space travel.
I'm more going temporary than permanent solution, we need time to nuke the department of education, rebuild it completely so that either states decide more (so now only California and New York are fucked not the entire country) and allow online learning courses the same status as schools diminishing the strength of the teachers union.
That'll take time, probably only be 20% done if Trump started day one all the way to 2028, in the meantime we need to continue progress so we don't fall behind. The first guy to successfully do resource extraction in space, gets to decide the future of the world economy and I'd rather not let commies or globalists have that position.
It's a long held position of Elon to get more foreign specialists due to him not being able to find enough for his companies in the past.
Yea fuck him he's trying to find software engineers that work for cheap. Elon is a piece of shit and Trump made a deal with the devil with him.
I think his own experiences thanks to his trans'd son led him to believe the current US education system cannot produce the amount of skilled specialists required for the progress he wants to achieve.
He recognises America is the best place to base his space industry but the education system has gutted the talent pool.
There is zero chance he thinks India produces better engineers. There's no way he's not aware of the rampant corruption and diploma mills. He wants them because they're dirt cheap and expect no benefits. Fuck him.
Legislation should be pushed that any "sharing" is marked as embezzlement, with the death penalty as a standard punishment.
"Succesful" watch Pajeet Codex and get back to me on that.