"trans-non-binary" must mean going from binary to non-binary, which can be represented as + > -, or 1 > 0, which itself serves as an indication of alive > dead.
12 year old child giving a speech
Sure, because just like with Greta these are totally sentences formulated by the child and not the parent/funding body.
Ah yes, the incongruous child rant about how inflation is way more important to stop than child sterilisation as a fashion choice. Because using a child as your sock puppet isn't a deeply unsympathetic move that makes the adults behind it look like both retards and monsters.
Remember the Satanic Ritual Abuse panic in the 80s? It too was promulgated by psychiatrists and journalists looking to gain some quick status while armed with questionable methods and a complete lack of evidence. Their rallying cry was "Believe The Children". Even when their arguments made no sense or were physically impossible, Believe The Children. Even when they had to be coerced or manipulated into giving the correct answers for the witch hunt, Believe The Children.
This game was never about solving the problem of Satanic child abuse, otherwise they would have quickly lost because they would have realized that Satanic child abuse wasn't real. This game was a virtue game. They weave a story about how their striving is motivated by the solving of some immediate moral dilemma. The people making the allegations were high-status figures who spoke at conferences and wrote for newspapers and authored academic papers and were interviewed by Oprah. Everyone knew child abuse was the most urgent moral crisis facing America, and that all those poor suffering children had, for so long, been ignored. Who could be against Believing The Children? Who could be against fighting abuse?
Need to score some quick social capital? Just Believe The Children.
This game was never about solving the problem of Satanic child abuse, otherwise they would have quickly lost because they would have realized that Satanic child abuse wasn't real.
Eh, yes it was and is.
That said, a lot of the "victims" of it in the '80s were just attention seekers, just like a lot of the "trans" kids now. If you give someone an avenue to foster sympathy and support, a lot of people are going to take it.
But there are absolutely Satanic pedophile cults out there. Those half-million kids that the government "lost" didn't all magically find themselves in loving homes. And the lucky ones are merely being prostituted.
Neufeld expressed frustration and exhaustion, describing the situation as “draining” due to politicians using queer youth “as pawns,” which he believes shifts focus away from issues like housing, inflation, and social support.
I've seen this floating around. I think is the new narrative lefties are trying in order to regain power.
It's a deflection to make it seem the right is focusing on alphabet people and neglecting economy (so much for the "people will kill alphabets if it makes eggs cost one cent less" narrative).
Do I need to point out why free abortions and hrt, as well as troonbucks and reparationbucks were bad for the economy? How every "equality" leftie policy made the workplace a shittier place? (#metoo, diversity hires, gender quotas, etc)
There's no way this kid isn't being sexually abused.
The 41% jokes write themselves, though.
"trans-non-binary" must mean going from binary to non-binary, which can be represented as + > -, or 1 > 0, which itself serves as an indication of alive > dead.
Sure, because just like with Greta these are totally sentences formulated by the child and not the parent/funding body.
This is like getting 12-year-old molestation victims to testify in favor of child molestation.
Not like, is
Ah yes, the incongruous child rant about how inflation is way more important to stop than child sterilisation as a fashion choice. Because using a child as your sock puppet isn't a deeply unsympathetic move that makes the adults behind it look like both retards and monsters.
Some nice objective journalism from CTV about this same kid from a speech he(?) gave almost 2 yrs ago https://archive.is/L1ohR
The incident is "alleged" but the speech is objectively "powerful" for whatever "trans rights" are.
Remember the Satanic Ritual Abuse panic in the 80s? It too was promulgated by psychiatrists and journalists looking to gain some quick status while armed with questionable methods and a complete lack of evidence. Their rallying cry was "Believe The Children". Even when their arguments made no sense or were physically impossible, Believe The Children. Even when they had to be coerced or manipulated into giving the correct answers for the witch hunt, Believe The Children.
This game was never about solving the problem of Satanic child abuse, otherwise they would have quickly lost because they would have realized that Satanic child abuse wasn't real. This game was a virtue game. They weave a story about how their striving is motivated by the solving of some immediate moral dilemma. The people making the allegations were high-status figures who spoke at conferences and wrote for newspapers and authored academic papers and were interviewed by Oprah. Everyone knew child abuse was the most urgent moral crisis facing America, and that all those poor suffering children had, for so long, been ignored. Who could be against Believing The Children? Who could be against fighting abuse?
Need to score some quick social capital? Just Believe The Children.
Eh, yes it was and is.
That said, a lot of the "victims" of it in the '80s were just attention seekers, just like a lot of the "trans" kids now. If you give someone an avenue to foster sympathy and support, a lot of people are going to take it.
But there are absolutely Satanic pedophile cults out there. Those half-million kids that the government "lost" didn't all magically find themselves in loving homes. And the lucky ones are merely being prostituted.
"Girlish boy programmed by progressive mom to be an alphabet person makes speech"
I found a bit of the hearing but it's only from his interaction with a woke MP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs2mff0xbh4
I've seen this floating around. I think is the new narrative lefties are trying in order to regain power.
It's a deflection to make it seem the right is focusing on alphabet people and neglecting economy (so much for the "people will kill alphabets if it makes eggs cost one cent less" narrative).
Do I need to point out why free abortions and hrt, as well as troonbucks and reparationbucks were bad for the economy? How every "equality" leftie policy made the workplace a shittier place? (#metoo, diversity hires, gender quotas, etc)
Just reading the title makes me disgusted beyond words.