Bro, arguing with some forum autist is definitely not christian.
Pursuing truth is the pursuit of God, to understand his will. It is the most Christian thing we can do, to learn the truth, to espouse it, defend it, and to live it. Debate is one of the best ways to find truth, to challenge our own ideas, to learn if they're wrong, in part or whole, and to hone them. Weak people hold weak ideas, because neither are challenged. If someone shirks away from debate, challenge, or hardship, they are meritous of nothing.
If you have time to waste on this shit, you're not a christian.
False. Christians are not told to remain silent. Christians are not told to be pacifists to the world and people around them. Tell me where such passages in the Bible espouse these behaviors?
You did not answer my questions, so I must conclude that you're not a Christian, and given how you've reacted, you hold Christians in contempt. You use Biblical passages how Satan used them, and how the Pharisees used them, as a bludgeon against the righteous, to burden people with guilt so they don't come to God, to twist the meanings, to make a law mean its antithesis, or to accuse others of that which you are guilty.
When weak men get in a debate, and they can't refute anything, they try to attack anything of the opponent they can, grabbing at straws, in the hopes to "win" the debate. It's the worst thing they could do to themselves. Debate, when good, is supposed to be logical, civil, and honest, with all parties prioritizing truth above all else, so even if they're proven wrong, they still win, because they come closer to truth. When weak men's ideas are challenged, they see it as a personal attack, and respond with vitriol. It completely escapes them that a Christian, who is commanded to love his neighbor, may tell a man the truth, in an attempt to correct his mistakes, so that he doesn't fall to ruin and sin, in the hopes that his neighbor be saved. But, many who hear the truth, recoil and lash out at the speaker, doubling down on their failings and falsehoods, rather than ever admit wrong. It's probably the most common failing of men that I see, a refusal to budge, hanging onto their beliefs like an anchor, letting it drown them.
Enjoy your day.
I hope God softens your heart and humbles you, like he did with me. I'm hard headed. It took me many years to realize what God was teaching me. Hopefully it won't take you as long.
Pursuing truth is the pursuit of God, to understand his will. It is the most Christian thing we can do, to learn the truth, to espouse it, defend it, and to live it. Debate is one of the best ways to find truth, to challenge our own ideas, to learn if they're wrong, in part or whole, and to hone them. Weak people hold weak ideas, because neither are challenged. If someone shirks away from debate, challenge, or hardship, they are meritous of nothing.
False. Christians are not told to remain silent. Christians are not told to be pacifists to the world and people around them. Tell me where such passages in the Bible espouse these behaviors?
You did not answer my questions, so I must conclude that you're not a Christian, and given how you've reacted, you hold Christians in contempt. You use Biblical passages how Satan used them, and how the Pharisees used them, as a bludgeon against the righteous, to burden people with guilt so they don't come to God, to twist the meanings, to make a law mean its antithesis, or to accuse others of that which you are guilty.
When weak men get in a debate, and they can't refute anything, they try to attack anything of the opponent they can, grabbing at straws, in the hopes to "win" the debate. It's the worst thing they could do to themselves. Debate, when good, is supposed to be logical, civil, and honest, with all parties prioritizing truth above all else, so even if they're proven wrong, they still win, because they come closer to truth. When weak men's ideas are challenged, they see it as a personal attack, and respond with vitriol. It completely escapes them that a Christian, who is commanded to love his neighbor, may tell a man the truth, in an attempt to correct his mistakes, so that he doesn't fall to ruin and sin, in the hopes that his neighbor be saved. But, many who hear the truth, recoil and lash out at the speaker, doubling down on their failings and falsehoods, rather than ever admit wrong. It's probably the most common failing of men that I see, a refusal to budge, hanging onto their beliefs like an anchor, letting it drown them.
I hope God softens your heart and humbles you, like he did with me. I'm hard headed. It took me many years to realize what God was teaching me. Hopefully it won't take you as long.