Russell is pretty darn honest about his views. I personally think he isn't trying to pull the wool over your eyes and grift, he is stating his own opinion on things. I haven't really caught him out in being hypocritical though I do not watch him heavily, or very much as of recent, but he has been consistent on what he says from what I have seen.
He is basically a centrist, that leans more towards the left on economic policy (while also being honest about the faults of the leftist side of that policy, which is more than can be said about others), and rightward on other things (in large part because the left has lost its God damn mind on social issues). Frankly, if the leftwing was healthy, i would wish they would resemble Russell Brand, or at least how he portrays himself.
With such scenarios, I am obviously glad for them to turn to Jesus as their savior, but I've been burned far too many times to trust these people aren't lying. We shall have to let their actions speak for them.
People turning to Jesus after years of gleeful, hedonistic sin is the same as a woman trying to "settle down" after spending her youth being a slut.
Its often entirely self serving, if they even mean it at all beyond the veneer. If they mean it truly, they should be doing so in humble appreciation of a second chance, rather than screaming about it for attention.
Russell is pretty darn honest about his views. I personally think he isn't trying to pull the wool over your eyes and grift, he is stating his own opinion on things. I haven't really caught him out in being hypocritical though I do not watch him heavily, or very much as of recent, but he has been consistent on what he says from what I have seen.
He is basically a centrist, that leans more towards the left on economic policy (while also being honest about the faults of the leftist side of that policy, which is more than can be said about others), and rightward on other things (in large part because the left has lost its God damn mind on social issues). Frankly, if the leftwing was healthy, i would wish they would resemble Russell Brand, or at least how he portrays himself.
With such scenarios, I am obviously glad for them to turn to Jesus as their savior, but I've been burned far too many times to trust these people aren't lying. We shall have to let their actions speak for them.
People turning to Jesus after years of gleeful, hedonistic sin is the same as a woman trying to "settle down" after spending her youth being a slut.
Its often entirely self serving, if they even mean it at all beyond the veneer. If they mean it truly, they should be doing so in humble appreciation of a second chance, rather than screaming about it for attention.
Or at least buy indulgences from the pope, free sin passes, like in the good ol' days.
Know them by their fruit.
I wonder if he's referencing the arguments about of whores becoming christians. Nala was in the news again and Sophia Rain claims to be a christian
I didn't realize that "Your body is a temple" originated from Corinthians.
I couldn'tve told you which book, but they drilled that in in Bible school.
Is this faggot still selling magic amulets like a definitely real Christian would do?
Cult leader vibes.