Problems caused by liberal policies cannot be fixed by the people who created, advocated and implemented them.
And yet a bunch of the people here and sprinkled across our side are "former Leftists" who are totally for supporting detransers and other former Liberal advocates if they say "Sowwy, I was twicked" or "DAE JEWS?!"
Trump was a former Democrat. Hitler wasn't always antisemitic in fact he used to defend Jews from antisemites. People can change believe it or not. It's just matter of judging if the change is real or not. In the case of Starmar it's obvious that it isn't and he's just saying stuff to save his own butt. And his wife is Jewish too.
It's just matter of judging if the change is real or not.
I agree entirely.
But I do not believe people make giant, dramatic changes that easily. They say they do, but its just painting themselves a new color. The personality traits or defects that made them X way before are still there, and likely unaddressed, and are just now being channeled in a new direction. And they will just as easily change with the next tide too.
AA has stuck around so long because it understands that change is a lifelong process of daily work. You can't just declare yourself sober and suddenly you are. Under the newfound 40 church services a month and peppy attitude you are the same person waiting to snap back.
Which is why people who "change" once the tide does, consequences become obvious and imminent, and they've already contributed to the damage immensely are just showing themselves to be cowards or fools trying to dodge responsibility and cozy up to a new side.
There's a big fucking difference between changing paths and being the fucking Prime Minister in charge. He's not a minor person with a new perspective, he's a national leader. That's a very important distinction, and should bring absolute caution to the situation, especially when it's people like Starmer that's STILL fucking up his own country. Or are we forgetting the farmer strikes and the reason for them?
Adamrises is right. He's parroting one fucking point and suddenly he's got some merit? I fully agree that there should be a way back for people, but Starmer isn't trying to change, he's trying to save his ass.
KIA2 is a just an extension of ConPro at this point, I'm thinking of just staying at the Donald where topics are not about fellating jap or hitler cock and actually pro-west and anti everyone else. At least the gaming community still mostly sticks to just gaming topics.
I wouldn't go that far. A lot of us came directly from KIA to KIA2 to Win-KIA2 organically, and I don't doubt a lot of the more meme oriented people found legit overlap in interests with places like ConPro.
It would be hypocritical of me to say it, because KIA1 said the same thing about T_D way back and wanted to ban all of us for trying to actually care about something besides gaming.
Spoiler, no. Problems caused by liberal policies cannot be fixed by the people who created, advocated and implemented them.
It takes a Pinochet to undo the damage of an Allende.
And yet a bunch of the people here and sprinkled across our side are "former Leftists" who are totally for supporting detransers and other former Liberal advocates if they say "Sowwy, I was twicked" or "DAE JEWS?!"
They also get super mad if you point this out.
Trump was a former Democrat. Hitler wasn't always antisemitic in fact he used to defend Jews from antisemites. People can change believe it or not. It's just matter of judging if the change is real or not. In the case of Starmar it's obvious that it isn't and he's just saying stuff to save his own butt. And his wife is Jewish too.
I agree entirely.
But I do not believe people make giant, dramatic changes that easily. They say they do, but its just painting themselves a new color. The personality traits or defects that made them X way before are still there, and likely unaddressed, and are just now being channeled in a new direction. And they will just as easily change with the next tide too.
AA has stuck around so long because it understands that change is a lifelong process of daily work. You can't just declare yourself sober and suddenly you are. Under the newfound 40 church services a month and peppy attitude you are the same person waiting to snap back.
Which is why people who "change" once the tide does, consequences become obvious and imminent, and they've already contributed to the damage immensely are just showing themselves to be cowards or fools trying to dodge responsibility and cozy up to a new side.
There is some merit in ceasing to be part of the problem.
There's a big fucking difference between changing paths and being the fucking Prime Minister in charge. He's not a minor person with a new perspective, he's a national leader. That's a very important distinction, and should bring absolute caution to the situation, especially when it's people like Starmer that's STILL fucking up his own country. Or are we forgetting the farmer strikes and the reason for them?
Adamrises is right. He's parroting one fucking point and suddenly he's got some merit? I fully agree that there should be a way back for people, but Starmer isn't trying to change, he's trying to save his ass.
I agree. He and most of Labor should be, ahem, Pinochet'ed. Along with a large chunk of their voters.
But it is possible to stop being part of the problem on an individual level.
That I will agree on.
KIA2 is a just an extension of ConPro at this point, I'm thinking of just staying at the Donald where topics are not about fellating jap or hitler cock and actually pro-west and anti everyone else. At least the gaming community still mostly sticks to just gaming topics.
I wouldn't go that far. A lot of us came directly from KIA to KIA2 to Win-KIA2 organically, and I don't doubt a lot of the more meme oriented people found legit overlap in interests with places like ConPro.
It would be hypocritical of me to say it, because KIA1 said the same thing about T_D way back and wanted to ban all of us for trying to actually care about something besides gaming.
Well blocking yosi and ger111 will probably clear out a lot of the wasted space and maybe free up the channel for more thread variety to show up.