Abraham Lincoln's assassin, it is as I suspected....
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Why would a member of the shadowy Semitic cabal want to kill Lincoln, the American dictator? Lincoln, who suspended habeas corpus, sent in troops to arrest his political opponents, used his armed forces to shut down newspapers critical of him, destroy their equipment and jail their publishers, authorized the massacre of draft-resisters on the streets of New York. Lincoln, who shredded the constitution with his every action as president, who refused to allow states to secede peacefully from the union as was their right after they had voted to do so, who instead prosecuted a conflict that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and forever subordinated the will of the states to the will of the Federal government.
If your goal is to allege that some members of the millennium-old Zionist conspiracy wanted to subvert American society and democracy, they might have found a better way than to kill the one man who posed the most destructive threat to it.
Er, you REALLY want to give the Jews credit on THIS one?
Unlike George Washington who voluntarily gave up power and set a precedent, Lincoln wasn't as clear in his legacy, especially if you ask someone like Razorfist...
I always suspected it, the Africans here have been a perfect tool for them. They were also involved in the JFK assassination.
This reminds me, jews are also responsible for Prophet muhammud's assassination, and the death of Jesus Christ as well (the bible says this directly ) yet somehow, israel's gotten Christians and muslims to end up fighting each other instead. .
I was expecting another Sam Hyde meme.
I heard his real name was John Titor and that he wanted to stop the founding of San Dimas High School which would happen after the great drought of Los Angeles in 1960.
Instead he sabotaged William Mulholland's dam, in San Francisco, 60 years later leading to the great floods of the Water Wars altering the terrain and leading to it being a fixed point in time and not the terrible Russian-German nightmare that he escaped from.
All of this because he had read that water wings were the cause of the rise of the Soviets post-World War 2 while in his high school and blamed the inventor of them (At the time) for it all happening.
So I heard from some kid talking to a girl at 31 Flavors before I passed out.
That's weird that they say John Booth was an acclaimed actor. They even mention his brother, Edwin, who was by all accounts the much more accomplished actor. John was seen as rather mediocre by comparison. Makes the whole thing seem off.
Huh... a based Jew for once.
Depends how you look at it. Lincoln wanted to send the Africans to Liberia. Killing Lincoln ended that and left the former slaves here.
Lincoln was a commie, I'm not giving the jews credit for killing him. Johnson and Grant had the same view on race as Lincoln and the majority of America. If the resending the majority of blacks were going to happen it would happen under them.