A - Hermetically seal themselves away from half the internet for 4+ years.
B - Just perform a quick a quick mandatory mind-wipe every time they witnessed a Biden puppet meme.
C - Know they're full of shit and pretending not to be hollow plagiarists is just part of their attempted humiliation ritual to shit-test non-believers.
So they’re just copying what the right memed about Biden for years now. This is just sad, as Trump would say, low energy.
The left can't meme. Which was the original subreddit until the left copied that too a few months later.
Yeah, and they think it's original. Sort of maddening.
The question is, did they:
A - Hermetically seal themselves away from half the internet for 4+ years.
B - Just perform a quick a quick mandatory mind-wipe every time they witnessed a Biden puppet meme.
C - Know they're full of shit and pretending not to be hollow plagiarists is just part of their attempted humiliation ritual to shit-test non-believers.
I'm increasingly convinced of D - they are legitimately lacking in the most basic brain function to put 2 and 2 together.
Most are Aand/or B, and the leaders are C.
It's ironic, though, because Biden pretty much restyled himself as a the Democrat's version of Trump, including copying Trump's truculent behavior.
Biden didn't restyle shit. That was the dementia talking.