Ahead of Marvel's Live-Action 'Fantastic Four' Film, Marvel Comics Depicts Johnny Storm In Sexual Relationship With Demonic Look...
As Marvel Studios films their upcoming live-action Fantastic Four film, Marvel Comics is busy destroying the company's brand by depicting Johnny Storm aka The Human Torch in a sexual relationship with a demonic looking alien bug creature.
It’s honestly not the worst thing Marvel has done. The entire mind control Iceman into super gay was a hundred times worst than this.
With that mustache, only an alien pokemon would want to have sex with him.
But like 99% of comic books these days, its just the writer's lazy self insert fetish play. So I'm wagering he has that mustache and wants to fuck an alien, so Johnny is the stand in.
EatFuck ze bugs!Good for him
Pika, Pika, Chu!!!!
Every neuron in my monkey brain is telling me that thing looks incredibly dangerous.
What's that sound? It sounds like exterminatus.
Wait until you learn about Arisia Rrab. Early 1980s Green Lantern story.
Alien girl finds herself chosen by a Green ring, and develops a huge crush on Hal Jordan.
But even though she was old enough in human years, she physically aged much slower than we do, so she looked like the equivalent of a ten-year-old human girl.
Hal was understandably put off by this, not wanting to come off like a diddler.
So what happened?
She had herself forcefully grown to what looks like an adult to us, taking about a decade off her life to do so.
Arisia Rrab is still a Green Lantern in the comics today.
That sounds like a typical pedo fanfic. Uhg
I mean.. didnt supergirl.. one of the last kryptonian womb go with some green skinned alien?
Wouldn't know. She's probably too blond in the eyes of the 'writers' to go for anything other than the most exotic and foreign 'male' counterpart.