Most of these come from MMOs for me interestingly enough:
Diminishing Returns:
“Hmm, this new piece of gear gives +8 strength, which will increase how hard I hit, whereas my current piece of gear adds 2% chance to crit - given my current build/stats, how can I tell which is better?”
This is a situation that every person who’s ever played an RPG has come across. Given the overlap between “gamers” and “autistics”, it was always inevitable that math would be used to meta-game and theory-craft into oblivion. A fundamental key to theory-crafting is the concept of Diminishing Returns - if you’ve ever studied economics you probably know something about Return on Investment or RoI - diminishing returns governs the rate of return on investment. Basically, as your investment in something increases, the rate of return on each “dollar” invested will initially increase until hitting a plateau and then decreasing. If you pump every stat point you have into Strength, but totally neglect Accuracy, Critical Hit Chance, and Stamina, your character will be weaker than one who split their points up between the different stats, and that character will be weaker than a third character who min-maxed their stat allocations with knowledge of the game’s system of diminishing returns.
The law of diminishing returns is an economic principle stating that as investment in a particular area increases, the rate of profit from that investment, after a certain point, can't continue to increase if other variables remain constant.
I learned this in terms of RPG stat mechanics in WoW. The most valuable stats for a class tended to all have “soft caps”, which effectively translate to a point near the “Point of Maximum Yield” on the graph of yield/investment. But really, this applies to…practically everything, atleast everything that can be modeled economically. A political campaign can pump $10M into a single region and get 60% of the votes there, or they could spread $2.5M between four regions and get 51% of a much larger share of voters.
Really a powerful tool that so many have never had to engage with and thus are totally unaware of the concept and how it plays a role in their lives.
Or: Geek the Mage
This one is simple enough, it’s about prioritizing what’s actually pressing and needing to be addressed immediately (the smaller enemy casting self-destruct, about to wipe your whole group) and what needs to be addressed consistently over the long term (keeping everyone healed, decursed, and buffed, and the reverse for the enemies)
The third lesson I’m not sure of any academic links or terms that could be applied here, perhaps most fitting are the ideas of “high trust societies” in sociology.
What I’ve basically noticed over the years, as “social” game experiences evolved, the value of any given interaction with other players has been reduced to almost nothing - and it seems largely to be because of a “lack of consequence” - nothing in these social games “matters” any more. Three examples I’ll give: party finding in MMOs (the old fashioned way, posting in town/lfg chat and forming a group, or calling from a list of friends) being replaced by “random group finder” matchmaking systems. This is made even worse by the matchmaking systems often drawing from a far wider pool than just “your server” - you will never see these people again, thus nothing you do (socially) in the group can have any consequences, so why bother! This brings me to the third example, private voice chats. Anyone who played through the early days of Xbox live or PC community servers knows how those places turned into ghost towns (50,000 spastics used to live here) with the advent of “party chats”.
WoW Raiding taught me a long time ago about the importance of someone willing to "step up" and be the bitch that deals with problems, because sitting around saying "not my job" just ends up in wasting everyone's time including yours. So while you might be lower on the chart and looking worse, the job is dead and the spoils remain the same. A lesson just as relevant when it comes to soaking an orb to not wipe on a boss as it does with putting in an extra chunk of work at work before it explodes into a bigger issue that you need to clean up anyway.
Before the simplification of stats because retards couldn't handle it, they used to also had hardcaps for them too. They still do, but you'll never hit 28000 crit rating for it to matter.
Having to deal with the idea of needing to get to an exact number of Armor Penetration to hit a perfect breakpoint to watch your damage soar, which then meant needing a very diverse set of gear that meant using weaker pieces than available to properly add up your stacking rating. It was a huge process that required actual effort and planning to your gear rather than "pick one of the 2-3 items from current tier" as it is now. There was also the period of time where you'd have to make the choice between staying at the "soft cap" or reaching for the hard cap, because if you couldn't get within something like 100 points (been a while, can't recall the exact number but it was small) then you were better off taking the raw value on other gear instead of reaching for it.
Which has a lot of useful lessons behind it. Planning, efficiently enacting a long term plan, keeping otherwise useless pieces because a later change to a different gear piece will make it useful again, consideration about lump greater values versus more effective gains from smaller ones and a lot of math.
Something I find still valid today because those ideas are just as applicable in terms of home projects and other monetary planning I have to undertake.
There is also the fact that raid leading in an MMO is basically the best training you could ever have for a career in management. Literally every task you are forced to deal with will be just as prevalent in the real world as it is there.
The most important, and easily forgotten among most real life managers, is the "expectance of arrival." As in, there is only so much you can expect every raider/worker to just arrive on their own to put in their effort, both being there period and putting forth an acceptable level of effort.
If you don't manage burnout and overall low morale? People stop showing up or putting in the effort. They don't give a shit how it looks when they call out sick 6 days a month, they are just uncaring. They might be looking to jump ship elsewhere or simply dropping out entirely. You have to always have the carrot ready to keep them interested beyond their own "integrity and shame" levels, and a lot of time that means putting in that aforementioned "bitch work."
Me in TBC as the dedicated mage tank during t4 and t6.
For those OOTL, there were 2 raid bosses in TBC where a mage had to be the one tanking a particular mob as only mages could grab the defensive shield the mob cast on itself with Spellsteal which was needed to survive the spam of nukes said mobs would exclusively cast. In order to do this role properly a mage would have to sacrifice both raw power and general performance to stack Stamina on gear rather than actual combat stats. Most of the time mages would just grab every green/uncommon quality item they could while still maintaining enough Spell Hit for spells to actually work. Me? I knew all the ins and outs of TBC to the point I didn't have greens for my STA stacking gear, I had blues/rares and purples/epics because I had done both the homework of learning about these better versions but also put in a time grinding them because unlike greens which were random drops from every mob in the game, the rares were from rare mobs themselves. The cloth chest came from a rare dragon named Hemathion that needed flying to even get close to. The drops from Yor needed you to be able to summon the mob which was at the very end of a very long rep grind then an even longer quest after littered with RNG if the right mob would spawn from a cage and then drop the right item with the right set of stats.
Some may ask why I bothered min/maxing this much for just the two fights but the reason was by doing so I had a set of gear that gave far better survival than "just greens" and didn't diminish my combat output nearly as much. Greens would be fine for t4 but the t6 fight needed more health so those blues and purples meant a far smoother attempt than more casual raiders would have experienced.
Also of the 3 other mages we had 1 I wouldn't trust to bring back a wet umbrella when it was raining, while the other 2 were frequently busy so couldn't provide regular attendance therefore I was far more at ease just doing the job myself.
Completely unneccesary though. The only thing that matters is that your spell steal hits. After that all damage you take is very predictable (2sec casts). And that's it. Your damage is irrelevant on the fight due to it being a pitiful dps check.
I feel that exactly. Its why I often was the first to line up for the various "in charge of X" mechanics, like Firelands Rag's floor clearing. I had the regular attendance to keep from ever needing someone else to learn and the competence to keep the DPS loss minimum.
Some amazing points here on basically “small group project” dynamics, leadership in large and small scales, like you say, directly relavent to a new project at work, or the newly released raid, or just any interaction between 2+ people
Regarding the absurdities of theory crafting I’ll say something seemingly esoteric and obscure to prove my salt - I played alliance, on Mal’Ganis lol
I've played Feral for 18 years. My life is salt, and I exist in perpetual seethe at the fact that Rogues get to ever be upset at anything.
Another hilarious relevant lesson is the idea of "hybrid tax," as in getting taxed harder on the possibility that you might do something because you are considered more "privileged" despite being at a sheer disadvantage both realistically and because of it.
I'm sure you can see the lesson there about racial dynamics in the real world and the inherent unfairness of taxes.
Guess what?
The classic.
All I learned from the “hybrid tax” revelations were that supporters tended to be groomers lol, atleast iirc that was the case with the two guys who forced it into vanilla, who were later fired and swept under the rug
I don't believe most of the accusations levied against the guys at Blizzard.
Not because they don't seem like the kind of guys to do it, but because the accusations were both so laughable and evil, but also so unprovable and clearly from a group of people out to destroy all the "senior leadership" of the company.
I loved the days of complicated stats. I even liked resistances, although that seems to be an unpopular opinion. All those old Vanilla items with weird stats that seemed out of place, yeah I probably had one of them in a bank somewhere. It was fun stacking and seeing how it would affect someone. Go screw around with a mage in PVP having just stacked health and frost resistance, you can't really damage them, but it was fun to try.
You might not have liked me though, I was a rogue for the most part. Although I almost never raided the rogue, I raided as a shaman, ran around and farmed some mats for the weeks worth of potions, elixirs, food, etc. and stayed off that character until it was time to run a raid. There was no match for sneaking around old dungeons and places you don't belong and I loved farming rare drops if I could solo them, etc.
Ironically, that's one of the benefits of "Classic Hardcore" currently. It offers all that wild shit a new lease and value because of the hanging sword above you. My one buddy who only plays HC has dozens of farms set up for otherwise useless little items that weren't worth it otherwise.
I think one of the issues with Complicated stats that Blizzard didn't think about that made them so unpopular was the "item to raider ratio." When you got 25-40 guys but only have 2-5 items per boss dropping, you can't effectively build up resistances and other stats. And then when you are down to "we need 3 whole items from this entire 12 boss raid" its not very fun to run older raids to gear up.
They just needed more diversity in terms of acquiring the stats and certain items, but instead they just made the items less worth getting period. There was no longer a single piece of value to gear that wasn't Ilvl related except a handful of trinkets that only could last for a little longer.
And I didn't always hate rogues. Its just that once Mangle was removed, and Brez was spread to multiple classes then every raid had no reason to bring a Feral over a rogue, because a bad rogue could outpace all but the best Ferals in almost every tier. And anytime we were able to outperform them due to stat inflation or awesome trinkets (Rune of Reorigination i still miss you), they would nerf us quickly.
Its literally Blizzard intentionally pitting us against each other and then favoring one side a lot more.
Swtor came up with a good way to get around weekly lockouts and dry loot runs. All gear, all of it, weapons included were shells which contained 2-4 components that have an item its stats. Wrists and waist only had 2 components IIRC while most armour had 3 and weapons had 4 where the 4th would also alter the colour of weapon fire and lightsaber blades.
Eventually BoA shells were added so that you could freely move things between alts, the only things that remained character bound were non BoA shells that came from content of which there were still many. These actual content shells also didn't usually have their appearances added to a collections tab like WoW does with transmog. While there is a similar system it's mostly limited to unlocks done with MTX currency, so raid appearances would only be something for the character present for the kill and lot.
However what the system did mean was that if you had more than one class, be it a dupe on the same faction or mirror class on the other faction, you could then gear them with BoA shells fitted with components sourced from alts, who could in turn continue gearing those shells to send back again later. This would include Tier components.
The only limits to this were the differences in primary stat some components would have so Str gear would be fine for JKG to JKS, or even SWJ and SWM, but any other class and subclasses would be using something other that Str.
Additionally the Swtor equivalent to rings and trinkets weren't BoA so those you would still need to source but in general it meant you could use alts to take care of sourcing and improving something like 10 of your 14 or so gear slots.
This is why I disliked Locks and Hunters from TBC onwards while maining a mage :p both ended up as literal 1 button spammer classes and with Sunwell offering a zone wide Int buff that made ArcInt redundant mages found themselves benched for what was often dogshit players but playing braindead and OP specs.
Most non-mainstream MMOs did something similar. I know Guild Wars 2 did the thing where all bosses just drop "tokens" of some sort that you'd just exchange for the gear you wanted. And some of the fanservice Korean ones did the same.
While is forces a grind I think that is overall a better option instead of a consistent dropping of garbage people don't need, or Blizzards hidden system of personal loot which just feels like its always working against you.
And seems like WoW is moving towards the alt-outsourcing system currently, with the Warband system. Which seems like a smart move currently in making alts not require a massive grind just to be worth playing, but I know that it will soon enough just make it to where you need 3-4 alts grinding concurrently to feed your Warband to keep up.
In my history, they almost always hated ferals, but I was in mid-Vanilla to mid-Cata only. I do remember early Wotlk they were ridiculous if played right. We had. A cat in our Naxx raids that outDPSed everyone.
Catering to those that demanded everything, like battle res for everyone, was a failure. There’s some things that needed out, like ridiculous corpse runs. I’d have almost figured to make the raid size a bit more fluid to keep from guys being left out, but that would have been exploited somehow too. Min 25, max 40 and scale it somehow. Just random thoughts though from someone who hasn’t touched a game in a long time.
MoP was Feral at its strongest, but that was entirely due to Rune of Reorigination being a ridiculous trinket that defined the entire class.
We have tiers when we are stronger buts its usually due to things like that more than the class itself being balanced well.
Personally I think 5-10 should be the max for a raid, it keeps things complex without a lot of the larger negatives bigger raids get. But that's just my opinion.
Thanks to Psych majors historically having zero ability to get jobs after graduation, my college put in an entire required class on resume building and interviewing.
I literally put my GDKP and CM leadership on my resume and after my professor got over his initial shock and listened to my explanation helped me build a fantastic resume out of it.
I also did the same trajectory as you, used it to step into management, did my time, realized I fucking hated it, and am now doing labor work (where I belong).