89 Wukong. The urinalists are really doing it. (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 208 days ago by Norenia 208 days ago by Norenia +91 / -2 52 comments download share 52 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Two of those three cons I don't care about (all gameplay becomes repetitive after a while).
And it HAS diversity, the MC is a monkey who was born from a rock. That isn't a diverse enough character for them?
Clearly the answer is to make them a Black Monkey.....wait....
"The gameplay is repetitive, you just keep playing the same game throughout the whole game"
You can't even build a little voxel house in it! And Robux can't buy you anything! There's not even a Royale mode or MCU skins...what's up with that!?!?
Wait there's no dancing Thanos!? 0 outta 10.
The more you play, the more it feels like you already played it. - Screen Rant guest reviewer Yogi Berra probably.
It doesn't have walking segments nor an out of place DJ rhythm game segment. Literally unplayable
I've yet to see a single human in the game previews.
The repetitive thing is just the standard "I'm shit at it and can't get good can I play on baby mode."