Woke up to the news the news that Crowd Strike killed bunch of IT infrastructure. We weren't using that POS software in our company so the work day was not bad for me. I was talking to a co-worker about this news. I mentioned 'Crowd Strike is going go broke over this'. He said, 'No they won't.' "Won't they get sued into the ground for this." "Microsoft hasn't been sued over its bad updates."
I do a quick search to see if I could prove him wrong. All I could find is individuals taking Microsoft to court for forcing updates but no corporations have. It appears the software EULAs are so legally airtight that if a software update costs your company millions or billions...tough shit and suck it up.
Crowd Strike did several bad IT practices this update.
- Deploying on a friday (lol)
- not testing the update deployment (the update itself could've been fine but the update server might have corrupted the file)
- not doing a staged update
- the software probably makes it difficult or impossible to defer updates
As well Microsoft is still Microsofting with its driver BSODs.
I'm doubtful that either Crowd Strike or Microsoft will be held to account for the billions of dollars lost and millions of people that had their day ruined over this.
Basically, software companies are like vaccine companies and they are immune to legal liability.
Have a good weekend, unless you're in IT.
Not taking shots, I like the dude just fine...but did anyone else think this was a Lethn post, based on the title?
Nowhere near autistic enough, far too intelligible lol. Not even a single mention of right-wingers
He also didn't present this as if he's some super genius for figuring this out and enlightening us plebs.
I kinda see what he means, just the slightest hint of clickbait in the title with “I came to this realization about X today”, but uhh, all in good fun lol
Can't be Lethn without a promise to leave the UK this time, for sure, but never actually following through.
We'll check back in with you in 50 years, then.
What about the short term?
Do give us an update once it's actually happening.
I immediately looked at the OP's name when i read the title and was surprised it wasn't Lethn.
No. Why?