I know meta-posts accomplish nothing, but I hope he'll be allowed to stay. He's a staple.
I don't agree with him, but he amuses me and, as said, he's a staple. And he often gets banned for bullshit reasons. I think last time he was banned for simply saying "worse halves."
That really shouldn't be considered an "identify attack" or whatever. Then again, nothing should.
Like, seriously, how gay is that? (Answer: Super-duper gay. Like, mega-homosexual.)
Dom, stop banning Imp. He's great. Again, I don't agree with him generally, but he really livens up the place.
Likewise, stop banning gopower, now that you finally caught on that he's actually a hilarious troll. He's the only actually funny troll we have.
I'm a pretty big believer in free speech, so I'd rather not see anyone get banned unless they're posting something illegal.
The worst trolls just end up circumventing the bans with alt accounts anyway. This site is mostly protected through obscurity.
Agreed. A free discussion is paramount to this board and censorship will kill engagement, see reddit. Idk why dom wants to make us reddit-like in that regard. Ip Bans should be reserved for blatantly illegal/terrorist shit/pedo stuff etc.
You often come across as pretty spergy.
Imp is a tard. I extend the olive branch because I don't like people being banned unless they are saying straight illegal shit like pedos/murdering people.
We have sixteen rules?
Seems a bit much. Jordan Peterson only needed twelve.
To be fair, most of them are generic stuff that could go without saying like "don't post porn" and "don't spam" if people weren't committed to ODD pushing everything just because they get told not to.
I think only like 4-5 every come into actual play in these discussions.
Rule 4 is still spelled wrong in the report tab!
But nah that's actually embarrassing. I know like 1-13 were basically copy-pasted when this place was made, but a quick spellcheck should always be run.
Comment Reported for: Bringing a typo in rule 4, "slacious"[sic] to your attention.
son of a bitch
Edit - okay, I fixed it.
That just makes him all the more endearing. He's a retard, but he's our retard.
Imp's banning also don't generally get a lot of attention, to be fair. I just happened to notice because someone else mentioned him, so I looked it up. I've also gone on record calling out other bannings that didn't get a lot of attention.
But, yeah, if you want me on the record again: I condemn the other bannings too. They're all retarded.
Speak for yourself. He might be a resident retard, but I don't think of him as endearing, I think of him as a nuisance to be ignored.
I think it's about giving dom power to ban a user because they are fucking annoying/not politically correct. Imp is his own worst enemy because the more he talks the less I want to agree with him/mgtow.
I haven't heard it mentioned in ages. It's been six months since he was banned. It might pop up occasionally, but it's not like a constant thing. Telia, bbtw, Cato, Yoisi, and more have been banned recently. I've called out some of those bannings in the past, some others are too recent to compare to Imp but, again, I condemn all of them.
And, uh, to say the least, there's...certainly a trend. Huh.