35 Manjaw-anna Dark (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 251 days ago by TeeBP 251 days ago by TeeBP +36 / -1 22 comments download share 22 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Raise your hand if you fucking called it. Can't have any attractive women these days.
How can I call what I can't fucking recognize? At what point am I supposed to believe that's supposed to be Joanna Dark?
Feminists hate femininity
Worse, they have 0 self awareness that they're just pushing for more transgenders in to their spaces
And the Lesbians hate their spaces being intruded with penis
Is it just me or did anyone else mistake this for a pic of Prince Charming from the Shrek series?
I definitely saw a bit of him too. That's definitely not a woman, but making characters into troons is the whole point of this bullshit.
"My face is tired..."
It's the Crimson Chin!
She's got some Brie Larson-tier bitch-face going on there....
Brie Larson at least has a decent pair of tits. I can guarantee the same won't be true of this monstrosity.
What the fuck is that?