29 Candace Owens claims Ben sent intern to spy on her at TP usa (twitter.com) posted 252 days ago by evilplushie 252 days ago by evilplushie +30 / -1 15 comments share 15 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I believe it but it seems redundant since everything she does is recorded.
I know everyone is predisposed to take sides in this cuntstorm, but the reality is that Owens and Shapiro are both disingenuous, lying grifters and nothing they say can be believed.
Owens always was a stupid cunt, has everyone forgotten the doxxing bullshit she did at one point?
Lol @ down votes. Hoes mad I guess
She "reinvented" herself as the "based black woman who don't take no shit" among the T_D crowd who had no idea about her past.
So most people do not in fact know that, they just let this nobody come out of the smoke and be their champion.
Fair point, I forget nobody does any research or has any knowledge of beyond 5 minutes ago.
Intern was obviously not hitting 'Like' and 'subscribe'.