posted ago by misogynegro ago by misogynegro +13 / -16

Decided to make a spinoff thread.

Yellow Fever has always struck me as odd. It's not that there aren't attractive E. Asian women, there definitely are, but I see white dudes losing their minds over the most basic mid pancake faces. And if you think that E. Asian women are all trad kawaii uwu waifus, you're in for a rude awakening. Let's just say that you'll find out why so many E. Asian men neck themselves.

Look at Eric Swallow for instance. He's a high-status, attractive white man, grew up in California so he had his pick of Asian waifus, and he would still have his pick of waifus in an actual E. Asian country. Yet he risked his political career to put his dick in Fang Fang, a Chinese spy, despite her being a mid pancake face.

It's not like there aren't plenty of primarily Caucasian women outside the West either. Primarily Caucasian populations exist all over the Middle East, Central Asia, and Latin America, and most of these cultures aren't exactly friendly to prog sentiments.

Although I'll add the caveat that the "global audience" is a thing, in terms of young, college-educated urbanites having a sort of "global" culture that includes shitlibbing. Affluent, status obsessed people in the third world will often send their kids to Western unis for the prestige, and their kids will end up mimicking whatever's fashionable in the West as a status signal, and they'll have primarily foreign friends. So you end up with these little bubbles in most big cities around the world.