Comments (7)
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You can see the 'cannot compute, cannot compute' in her head as she can't go misogynist because it's a woman talking to her and she can't skate by on talking points alone.
A lot of the women who are the most vocal in higher education are REALLY proving the Arabs right of denying women from higher education..
Damn. She couldn't even come up with the "he wants to keep Latinos out" lie.
Or the good people on both sides that really stirs them up.
Damn I never realized Trump was such an originalist that he disbanded the military and created a militia. I do worry that a lot of these are fake because people say really dumb shit.
I absolutely refuse to click on that video. I know I said yesterday that I would stop bitching about post titles but holy moly it pisses me off. I would rather be a liar than hold my tongue.
If no one wants to fucking present the material then Im not clicking on it, it's not respectful, you dont clickbait your friends and fellows. If I were a mod I would replace rule 16 with the following text
And I would enforce it like a dog. If I could edit the post title without censoring the post itself I would do that.
Alternative title: college student asked how they know Donald Trump is racist: "he's had people killed" and other nonsense.
This is a joke piece, right?