posted ago by Bluestorm ago by Bluestorm +2 / -17

In 2016 or 2017, I distinctly recall the extreme behavior of the political left, justifying the physical assault of individuals deemed as Nazis. I could embark on a nuanced discourse regarding the definition of a Nazi and how the left's rhetoric could potentially label anyone as such, justifying violent actions. However, I will refrain from doing so. While I harbor a deep aversion towards Nazis, I firmly believe that violence should only be condoned when individuals actually engage in harmful actions deserving of such retribution. Just as it is unjustifiable to physically harm individuals based on their dislike for certain races, it is unacceptable to resort to violence simply due to personal animosity. The left's extremist tendencies have the potential to incite unnecessary violence and even result in tragic consequences. I am shocked and dismayed that such ideologies were permitted to thrive.