"This famine is not a natural disaster. It is not a flood. It is not an earthquake. It is entirely man-made. I'm coming from Washington, and I dare to say, yes, Israel is provoking famine.. Starvation is used as a weapon of war. Yes, starvation is used as a weapon of war." - said Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
As the majority of the population in Gaza suffers from famine levels of food insecurity, and children are malnourished and beginning to die from starvation, Gaza is resembling more and more an internment ghetto and rapidly turning into an extermination camp.
Video from Guardian News: https://youtu.be/ZySCBF7mopk
Racial supremacist ethnostate gonna racial supremacist ethnostate.
certified apartheid moment
How is Israel a racial ethno state when multiple ethnicities reside within its borders?
because it is a Jewish supremacist country headed by Jewish supremacist (read: Zionist) government which regularly takes property from non-Jews and appropriates it to Jews.
all that said, Israel is probably the biggest atrocity committed against the Jewish people of this generation, as they are happy to lure in jews from around the world with birthright citizenship, only to use them as meat Shields along their borders. they then brainwashed their children into believing that nowhere in the world is safe for them because of the Holocaust, ensuring a population of smooth brained seal clapping meat shields as they carry out their literal holy crusade.
Who the fuck cares? Not my monkeys, not my circus.
I don't care. Glass the entire region and be done with it or fuck off and stop trying to make me give a shit about anything that goes on in that sand dune.
Gazans are no different than the black communities that turn cities - concentrated populations of potential customers - into food deserts. If you demand food, but you also try to murder the truck drivers delivering you food, you don't get food.
Gazans also make love to goats
And they refuse food aid because "it tastes bad"
Fuck 'em.
All Gaza has to do is not be a bunch of terrorists and accept a peace deal. But they haven't, and won't.
Exactly. There is no such thing as palestine. It is a fake place that never existed. We should be thankful Israel will smoke out that rat hole once and for all.
Fake drifting inbreds can't figure out how to farm is the problem here. Much like the Africans, they blame the superior race for being smart enough to use the land. Time to go extinct goat lovers.