Can this be appealed? How does the UK system handle appeals? One of my biggest fears of a two term Democrat presidency is that with enough justices I could see similar laws here
Did yall have some semblance of free speech at some point? I first heard about the hate speech laws about 15 years ago when I guy got fined for singing the old disco song Kung Fu fighting because one of the lines says “they were funky Chinamen from funky China town)
Can this be appealed? How does the UK system handle appeals? One of my biggest fears of a two term Democrat presidency is that with enough justices I could see similar laws here
Did yall have some semblance of free speech at some point? I first heard about the hate speech laws about 15 years ago when I guy got fined for singing the old disco song Kung Fu fighting because one of the lines says “they were funky Chinamen from funky China town)
No country has, especially no European country. The US used to, but that has also become a joke.
I want to refute you. Wrote a few sentences, erased a few, tried again.
God damn it. You're not wrong.
There is a high probability he will be shanked by a muslim.
Not sure if that's what you mean but they are already clamoring for packing the supreme court. It was trending on twitter the other day.
Well that too. A recent survey showed almost half of college students are fine with getting rid of 1st amendment
Theres a reason we have age limits for things. And a reason leftists keep trying to decrease them.
I’ve heard some advocate for voting age to be lowered to 14. Imagine that insanity
I'm fine with getting rid of half of college students, funny how that works out.
Raised so stupid, no sympathy they took the faccines to be in university.
You sweet summer soul. It's adorable you think the cattle in the UK have rights.