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ISIS commander captured in Libya revealed to be an israeli mossad agent.
But it's also a case of Muslims pretending that ISIS isn't related to Islam. That they're slandering the 'good name' of Muhammed. And for this they blame the 'evil Jews'.
"They must be behind it all! I can't believe my prophet was a murderous zealot and served as inspiration for these crazed butchers."
Well It wouldnt be the first time that israel does some terrorist act or make some terrorism group whilst trying to put the blame on muslims "cough" lavon affair "cough" dancing israelis at the site of 9/11 "cough"
It seems like it's split into 3rds. You got 1/3rd of Muslims of know it's Islamic radicalism, but disagree with one hadith or another; then you've got another 1/3rd which sees them as "Takfirists" who are anti-Muslim because they are killing Muslims and not accepting current Islamic institutions; then you've got the weird remaining 1/3rd that are totally deluded and think that Islam has never expanded through violence, and so these can't be Muslims.
Mohammed wasn't as aggressive as Muslim fuckers today. He was a warlord, but those vary a lot
Mohammed was probably at least as aggressive as ISIS. First thing he did was start a rebellion in Mecca and Medina.
All you need to be convinced on how violent Islam is, is a video just covering their own statements about their own wars.
Can't find the Christian link, but some sources do mention the attempted assassination and ambassador Dean's suspicions/arguments for why Israel was involved.
From the wiki:
Declared unfit, only to have that declaration rescinded years later.
This is why Israeli and jews at this point need to have their powers removed and never be in executive decision making hopefully in the near future. They haven't had accountability for a long while, and they become incredibly complacent and arrogant, legitimately believing it's their own abilities that made them to high positions.
It's amazing that you really are still genuinely defending Islamism in favor of crying about joos. You are honestly all scum.
The hell are you talking about? All of those links basically equate the two by accusing Israel of being at least complicit with the existence of ISIS. I see no claims that "Islamism" is somehow good or even better than "the joos."
Like most of the National Socialists here, he's pretending the Islamification of Europe is a misnomer, and how ISIS is actually just part of a grand jewish racial conspiracy. He's insinuating the the West's conflict with Islam is not a multi-millennium problem of living next to Islamic states, and an incompatibility of western civilization to Islamic civilization; but all part of a giant chess game wielded by jews against the world.
Once again, the White Nationalists are offering their hands out to fucking jihadis that will kill them, and going "no more brother wars". If Douglas Murray is doing a better defense of white societies than a White Nationalism, then they should be thrown away.
Beyond that, no Israel is not complicit with the existence of ISIS, it formed organically out of the remnants of AQI, and has an ideological foundation in Islamism and Jihadism.
Explain why Israeli politicians think it's a good idea to dump Palestinians in Europe when a majority of Palestinians apparently think 10/7 was justified?
Because they that European Globalists are stupid and desperate enough to take them.
The Globalists want party-boss systems that can fall under their influence for political stability (regardless of social stability), as well as anything to prop up the housing and pension ponzi schemes. This is because if housing prices fall precipitously, or pensions don't get paid out, the liberal order literally dies.
The initial idea of adding migrants works well for a moment, but at a certain point they hit The Law of Diminishing Returns. The return on investment is getting worse and worse, so they can either collapse, or double down. So they are doubling down. The only thing they can do is flood every single one of their countries until it is packed tighter than a can of sardines in the hope that they will either be dead, or escape to a different country when the whole system explodes.
Israeli politicians have an utterly intractable problem because this war is effectively a bronze age style war. Gaza can't be cleared conventionally. Israel would lose tens of thousands of men going house to house. The population is going to be anti-Israeli one way or another. They can't integrate gazans into Israel because they'll run rampant and create a full scale irregular war. They can't kill every gazan without starting a regional war they might not win. They can't occupy Gaza properly because it will be aided regionally and internationally. They can't even transfer Gaza over to the PLA, because the PLA doesn't want the hassle.
So, there's only one solution: demographic replacement through colonization. The only way to do that in an ethical way is... there isn't one. However, the only way to do that in a plausibly deniable way is to promote self-deportation. That means making living in Gaza impossible, and living literally anywhere else inviting. Israel isn't just trying to push them into Europe, they're trying to push them to literally anyone that will take them, and by any means necessary.
This is a very short-sighted solution, but they think it's going to save them. What it's more likely to do in the long run is cause a huge problem in the US. Increased tolerance of Islamism and Pan Arabism in the US means that the US is going to be more and more pre-disposed, not to neutrality, but to the destruction of Israel. Palestinians fleeing today will settle in America, but maintain their radicalism. They will use the wealth and prosperity of the US to fund anti-Israeli wars going forward. They will recruit and fund terrorism. The political radicalism will be fetishized.
This isn't the first time this happened. The British did it to the Irish. After each unsuccessful rebellion in Ireland, the displaced and radicalized Irish came to the US to build communities. They were renown for their fighting prowess since many of them or their families were veterans of previous wars. Famously, Irish immigrants fought on both | sides of the Civil War. However, inevitably, this shared history of immigration, trauma, and violence led to political nepotism and party-boss systems that promoted rampant corruption and criminalism. Worse, political radicalism in Ireland continuously found unlimited support for radicalism in the US where it could thrive out of the eyes of British security, and return to Ireland with weapons, and more importantly, millions of dollars in donations both little and small. It took nearly a full fucking century to fully integrate the Irish into the US without crippling identitarianism. The integration is only so recent that many native Irishmen in Ireland still complain about American-Irish influence on the country, and even Joe Biden himself has a staunch anti-English streak.
If places like the US or Europe takes these people, then you can rest assured that Europe and the US will be the primary funders of international jihad, outpacing that of both Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The ugly truth is that Israel should have no other choice but to integrate them. That means a major occupation force. That means fully integrating them over the next 30 years. That means equal rights and privileges. That means accountability. That means representation. That means infrastructure. That means economic freedom. That means taking "Palestinians" and turning them into "Israeli Arabs". That means de-radicalization efforts as the result of a conquest that will take several generations. BUT, they want to cut a corners, and it's going to have worse long term consequences. They're not just going to seal our fate by crippling us with terrorism, they're going to seal their fate too. We have an absolute obligation to ourselves to have Israel unceremoniously fuck off with this plan. And if you're a Ben Shapiro shill, then consider that Israel would be better off taking responsibility anyway.
And yet, Hamas is an Israel-created problem, as if Britain had funded the IRA and ensured its competition with more moderate factions.
"The most heavily-defended border in the world" was also overwhelmed by an intrusion of paragliders, motorcycles, and bulldozers lasting over six hours without a meaningful response.
How interesting that the confluence of these factors has permanently closed the window to the two-state solution, precipitating, if you will, a "final solution" to the Gaza dilemma.
That doesn't change any aspect of the problem. Though I wouldn't be surprised if the IRA got funding from the Labour Party.
Don't underestimate your enemies when you have static defenses. You should read about the Yom Kippur War.
It's not a confluence of factors, it's a choice. The Israeli Left would probably be happy to let terror attacks and Hamas continue for their own purposes.
Again, just because someone could benefit doesn't mean the entire organization exists at the sole behest of the beneficiary.
So you're mind reading. Fuck off.
I don't need to mind read, I understand the ideology. You might as well claim I'm mind reading when I say that Communists are resentful.
Islam is 100% a more imminent threat.
There's literally no question of this, and I won't tolerate people claiming otherwise.
The rape as a weapon of conquest, the car bombings, the assassinations, the fundamental intolerance of even the smallest dissent. If you publicly argue about the Holocaust the worst you can expect is jail. If you explain what Blasphemy is in Islam, the father of one of your students will publicly fucking behead you.
Yes, I expected you to at least be a racist, and you still couldn't even meet that low bar. The only thing that matches your vitriol is your hypocrisy.
I'm not brown, nor am I a jew, besides, you don't believe jews can be brown.