I swear this forum is full of zionists who defend the juice to the death while simultaneously decrying the very thing the juice does. It's very bizarre, like seeing a lesbian domestic violence activist shielding lesbians from scrutiny despite them having the highest dv rate.
It's full of "MuH JoOz" spam from like 4 accounts all commented on by the same dozen accounts arguing about the same bullshit. ConPro leaked into this forum and now we don't talk about issues in media hardly, just MuH jOoZ.
>post is 2 hours old
Oh dear
More than half the comments are OP though. And they're mostly calling everyone pedophiles and Islamists. It's...uh, really something.
I swear this forum is full of zionists who defend the juice to the death while simultaneously decrying the very thing the juice does. It's very bizarre, like seeing a lesbian domestic violence activist shielding lesbians from scrutiny despite them having the highest dv rate.
It's full of "MuH JoOz" spam from like 4 accounts all commented on by the same dozen accounts arguing about the same bullshit. ConPro leaked into this forum and now we don't talk about issues in media hardly, just MuH jOoZ.
My account was in KiA from the very beginning. Good luck pinning that on ConPro.
Imp better step up his game if he doesn't want to be outdone.