posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +24 / -15

It's really amazing that I've been called a subversive by retards on this site when I'm seeing people absolutely adopting the SJW mentality of "If you happen to disagree with me on a particular topic then that means you're automatically on the opposite side that I hate and you are not allowed to post otherwise". Not only do they adopt this mentality they're actively trying to form mobs to try and go after individuals because they're mad.

This isn't just people downvoting a particularly retarded user or someone they know is having a retarded moment which is pretty normal. I do think it needs to be addressed a bit because they're now just going after anyone and making shit up about them. Granted, could be spergs with alt. accounts who think this is reddit and are trying to mob users they don't like but still the point stands.

. Being against Palestine does not mean you automatically support Israel

. Laughing at TERFs and not supporting them does not make you pro-trans ( Imagine actually thinking this and being serious about it lol )

. Being against AI translation does not make you pro-SJW localiser

. Not wanting to ban porn does not explicitly make you 'pro porn' and anti-family ( Again, some retards here actually believe this )

. Not wanting to marry women who hate men does not mean you don't want a family or to have a real relationship

I warned people about the right wing SJWs awhile back that are on this site because I was pissing them off the moment I came on here and they've very much been having a mask off moment lately. Don't let the annoying shits prevent you from having a nuanced opinion on anything.

The Jack Thompson types are trying their best to make a bit of a comeback for 2024 it seems and pulling the SJW thing of "Hello fellow kids I love muh vidya games too now here's why you're a degenerate". Also worth noting when it comes to the community these people are the least likely to post any actual gaming content.